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I parked inside my garage and noticed that Summer had been home already, being that her car was parked in the garage as well. I hopped out my car and entered my house. The first place I visited was the kitchen because I was in dire need of water and food. Plus, I had been smelling food since I left the garage, but when I got to the kitchen, there's wasn't any. My nose must have been playing around with me.

I poured myself a cup of water and gulped it down. I then began searching for a snack to eat, but when I spun around, I saw Summer standing behind me. I jumped a bit, being that I wasn't expecting her nor heard her approach me, and she laughed at my coward behavior. She stretched her hand out to me, and I frowned a bit while staring at it but took it nonetheless. Without saying a word, she pulled me to the dining room, and I noticed that the lights were off. Lit candles decorated the room, and two were on the table. There were two plates on the table as well, and they were packed with food- which was exactly what I needed. There were also two wine glasses and a champagne bottle. She released my hand and stood in front of me.

"Welcome home," she smiled while reaching for my tie. She loosened it before taking it off and then undoing three of my buttons. She then took my blazer off and left the room with the items. While she was away, I rolled my sleeves up and washed my hands. When she returned, I took her chair out for her to sit, and when she was seated, I pushed her chair in. "Thank you," she smiled. I told her that she was welcome and gave a gentle nod while walking to my own chair. "How was the meeting?"

Today I had a business meeting for my dad's company. His investors were a bit concerned about the plans for the company, being that my father was no longer around, but I assured them that the plan was mostly the same, only I implemented a few changes that I thought would work better given my direct control over things that my father accessed indirectly.

"Very well," I answered. "The investors were really fond of my changes and strategy and have agreed to continue investing in the company. In fact, they're pitching in more money now."

Summer smiled, "That's great! I knew you'd be a bit stressed and tired today, so I'm glad all went well."

"Yeah, me too," I nodded. "So...what prompted you to do all of this?"

She smiled, "Besides being taught by the master chef how to cook, I wanted to do something nice for you. You always cook dinner, and though I help, you still do most of the work. Plus, like I said, I knew you'd be a bit tired today after running around to different companies and then doing meetings put on top of that."

I nodded in appreciation and thanked her. "I appreciate your consideration," I added with a faint smile.

"Also, the Circle sent a mail to us. I thought we should open it together," she added while waving the envelope in the air before resting it in the middle of the table.

"Okay," I nodded.

Summer worriedly stared at me, her eyes searching for something in mine as she asked, "Are you okay? You've been a bit distant lately."

Pretending to not know what she was talking about, I asked, "I have?" I had been trying to distance myself from her because I felt that having feelings for her was a bit unhealthy for me. She would never like me the way that I liked her, and fooling myself into believing that I stood a chance would only make me delusional. For that reason, I decided to try ridding myself of the feelings I had for her, but no matter how distant I would be, I still felt the same way about her- if not stronger.

"Yeah," she nodded, and I could tell that she was sad, which actually made my heart ache. "If I don't try to make conversation, then you spend the entire day not talking to me. I understand wanting silence at times, especially because we both have a lot on our minds, but I feel more as if you're trying to avoid me instead of clearing your mind or cogitating." I remained silent because I couldn't think of anything to say. She was absolutely correct in everything she said, but if I were to admit that, I'd have to explain why. "I-it's been a month since the day we went roller skating, and that was honestly the last time we had good energy in regards to each other. We don't have bad energy, don't get me wrong, but it feels like we have no energy towards each other. Can you at least explain to me what's going on?" I scrounged my lips to the side and remained quiet as I stared at her. What was I supposed to say- that I had feelings for her that she could never feel for me? Was I supposed to tell her I had troubles sleeping at night not only because of my family's death, but also because my bed felt empty without her laying in it? I could see the hurt running through her eyes, and it truly pained my heart, but I didn't know what to say to her. "Did I do some-"

"No," I shook my head. The last thing I wanted her to do was blame herself for something she didn't do. "You did nothing wrong. I....I um...I'm just trying to deal with certain emotions. I know you're here for me if I want to vent or anything, but I rather deal with them on my own, and the best way for me to do that is to be by myself for a while. I'm sorry if I made you feel a type of way about my actions."

She nodded in understanding, but I could still tell that she was worried about me and a bit hurt. We ate dinner in silence and only spoke when we were discussing the letter, which said that the Circle had a task for us and that we needed to come in as soon as possible.

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