59 (Bonus Chapter)

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A/N: This chapter is gladly dedicated to @jovan142002 for requesting another chapter explaining life after the last chapter I wrote 😊✨

I felt something cold encircling one of my nipple, causing me to slightly wriggle in my sleep. I then felt a squeeze to my breasts, causing my eyes to shoot open.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I sat up.

Dominic kissed my cheek while squeezing my breasts with the amount of pressure I enjoyed, but I didn't want to get aroused.

"Trying to pleasure my wife," he whispered in my ear. "We haven't had sex since our honeymoon, sweetheart."

While gently pushing him away, I nodded, "I know, babe. I've...I've been purposefully avoiding having sex with you."

"Why?" Dominic frowned while sitting beside me and taking my hands into his. I sighed as I stared at out connected hands, but didn't answer his question. I was too ashamed to. "Is it because of what the doctor said?" I nodded, and he released one of my hands and raised my chin so that I could look into his eyes.

I exhaled a deep breath before replying, "It's just that I know how much a family means to you, and I wanted to give you that. I don't want for every time that we have sex, you or I think about the one thing I can never give you."

"The doctor never said you can't have any children," he pointed out. "He said you had a hormonal imbalance that is causing a disruption in ovulation. It'll just take more time and effort. I'm not in any rush, love." He cupped my face and passionately connected his lips with mine.

When he pulled away, I questioned, "What if he finds more results that say differently? What do we do then?"

Dominic shrugged, "If you want, we can look into adoption, or we can simply just live by ourselves together. I honestly don't care so long as I have you. I make love to you not because I want children, but because I'm madly in love with you and wanna please you in every way possible. Children aren't the end-all-be-all of our relationship."

While blushing and smiling, I nodded, "Okay, handsome." I then seductively bit my bottom lip as I lustfully stared into his eyes. "It's been two months since our honeymoon, right?"

Dominic smirked, "Yeah."

"I guess it's only right you get 8 rounds, one for each week that was missed," I smiled, and he bit his bottom lip as he pulled me onto his lap.

"8 rounds is a lot for one night, no?" he teased as he cupped my breasts.

I smiled, "Whatever amount is left over can be carried out in the morning, love."

Dominic eagerly smiled, "Bet."

Two months later

I threw my pen down on my sketchbook as I quickly ran to the bathroom. While crouching onto my knees, I began throwing up into the toilet. Dominic, who I had left sitting at the glass table in our office, came rushing over to me. He quickly held my hair back for me as I threw up once more. He then rolled off tissue for me to wipe the corner of my mouth with, and I gratefully took it.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call the doctor over or rush you to the hospital?" Dominic frantically asked as he stared at me with concern laced in his eyes.

"I think I should take a pregnancy test," I replied, causing his eyebrows to raise in surprise.

Four years later

Dominic smooched Valor on her forehead and ruffled her curls, causing her to chuckle as she wrapped her hands around him. "Goodnight to you too, daddy." Dominic hugged her and switched off her night lamp before walking over to Knight and kissing her on her forehead ass well.

"Goodnight, my other princess," he smiled while hugging her as well.

"Goodnight, daddy," Knight smiled while fist bumping Dominic.

The twins were absolute angels, but Matthew was a little rascal. I quickly smooched and hugged Valor and Knight and told them goodnight while Dominic tried getting Matthew to stop jumping on the bed.

Knight and Valor were four years old, and Matthew, two, but even when they were his age they didn't give half the trouble he'd give.

"No tired, daddy," Matthew complained while pouting.

"What?!" Dominic said while holding his chest, feigning hurt. "How can you not be tired after that awesome bedtime story I just told?!" Matthew giggled in response, and I plopped his warm bottle of milk into his mouth. Matthew smiled in response before eagerly gulping the milk down.

I peeked over at the twins, who were now sound asleep. I then looked back at Matthew, who appeared to be getting tired.

"Bet you he'll be out in five," I bet, causing Dominic to chuckle.

He agreed, "You might be right, love."

"So how bout I get dressed into something more...appropriate for you and I," I said while looking down at the oversized tee that I wore, "and we have a little fun tonight?"

Dominic smirked, "Mm. I don't know about the getting dressed part. You can save the lingerie for another night. Right now, I only wanna undress you."

We looked down at Matthew, who was now fast asleep, and smiled in response.

"Whoever makes it to the bed first gets control for ten minutes," I smiled as I got ready to run off.

"Wait, did you take the pill for the month? I don't feel like using a condom tonight," he said while getting ready to run too. I gave a simple nod, and he smiled in response.

In unison, we counted, "3....2....1."

We then raced towards our bed, and Dominic purposefully let me win when we got into the room.

"Cheater," I smiled. "I saw you slow down."

"Yeah, well, what can I say?" he shrugged while chuckling. "I just want you unleashing every freaky thought in that beautiful mind of yours."

While pulling my tee over my head, I smiled, "Then what are you waiting for, daddy."

Dominic smirked, "You know I love it when you call me that."

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