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While sitting up, I frowned, "But you caught me and gave me an ice pack."

Dominic's eyebrows furrowed, and his forehead creased as his nose scrounged up in confusion. He shook his head, "No, I didn't, Sum. You fell too quickly. Truly, I wish I had caught you."

I looked around the room and noticed a life machine. I also didn't recognize the room, so I assumed that I was in a hospital. I questioned, "How long have I been unconscious?"

He answered, "An hour. Do you think you'll be okay by yourself for a few seconds? I wanna call the doctor."

"Yeah, of course," I nodded, and he gave my hand a quick squeeze while smiling a bit. He then released my hand and rushed outside the room. After about thirty seconds, Dominic returned with a female doctor and a male nurse.

"Hello, Mrs. Winter-King," the doctor greeted with a warm smile. "I'm Dr. Brown, and this is nurse Simmons."

I faintly smiled, "Hi."

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Fine," I answered, "but I have a slight headache."

Dr. Brown nodded, and the nurse jotted something down on a clipboard. Dr. brown then informed, "We ran a few tests on you while you were out. You're fine, but you really should carry your pump with you wherever you go. If you have Tylenol pain killers, I recommend a pill for your headache. You should also eat something and stay hydrated."

"Are we free to go?" Dominic questioned, and Dr. Brown smiled and nodded.

She then unplugged me from the life machine and placed a bandage on my arm where the needle had been.

"Safe travel," the nurse wished as Dominic helped me sit up.

"Thank you," I nodded, and the nurse and doctor left the room. Dominic then scooped me into his arms, causing me to chuckle, "I can walk, you know."

He smiled, "I know," but still didn't put me down as he brought us outside the room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my head into his chest as he carried me in a bridal style out the hospital. We were having a peaceful moment, but as soon as we got to the parking lot, we encountered a crowd of paparazzi. Cameras began flashing, and people began hollering questions at us, causing my headache to get a bit worse. I shielded my face by digging it into Dominic's chest, and covered my ears. I could still hear the questions being asked, however.

"Get out the way!" Dominic ordered as he continued walking.

"Is Summer pregnant?"

"What was the sex like?"

"Was this attempted suicide?"

"What went down after the party?"

I heard the sound of a door opening, and soon, I was placed into Dominic's car. He closed my door before walking to his side of the car and getting in. He then sped off once we had our seatbelts on.

He looked over to me for a second before focusing on the road. "Are you okay?" he asked, and I nodded while holding my head. "What would you like to eat?"

"Can we get fast food?" I asked, being that I felt really hungry and was craving some junk food.

"Like?" he asked, and I began thinking about what I wanted to eat.

I answered, "Wendy's or Popeyes. I've been craving both recently. I want a spicy chicken sandwich, spicy nuggets, a vanilla frosty, and a box of Popeyes fries."

"Alright," he nodded. "We can stop at both. I know that because you're pregnant, due to the fact that sex was so great you wanted to kill yourself- especially after everything that went down after the party, your craving must be satisfied." I bursted into laughter, and Dominic chuckled- both of us laughing at the ridiculous questions thrown at us. "I'm really glad you're okay, Summer. You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry," I blushed with a faint smile. "Can we stop by my house to get my pump and the machine?"

He nodded in response and stretched his hand out for mine. I placed my hand in his, and we locked ours fingers together.

"You still use the machine?" he smiled.

I shook my head, "I haven't used it in years, but I'd like to bring it in case."

While still smiling, he brought up, "I remember that day I came over and you were using it. That was back when you used to wear those old lady glasses."

We both chuckled at the throwback as I smiled, "Shut up."

"Do you wear contacts now or something?" he asked, and I shook my head.

I explained, "I only need the glasses to see words that are at a distance away. Besides that, I see very clearly."

Dominic hissed and joked, "So you can actually see how ugly I am? Yikes!"

I chuckled while shaking my head in disbelief and amusement. "Says Prince Charming," I smiled. "I know you're not oblivious to all the girls that watch you every time we go out somewhere."

"I know I look good, but I know you're not oblivious to all the guys that watch you when we go out," he brought up.

I frowned, "Guys barely watch me. I'm unnoticeable."

Dominic drove into the drive way of Wendy's and turned to face me. "I think you should start wearing your glasses then," he teased, "because they're always watching you. And Matthew was lucky it was his birthday and that he was already drunk."

"He meant no harm," I chuckled. "He was just complimenting me."

Dominic drove up once the car in front of us drove away. He then placed my order and ordered the same thing for himself. Wanting to spare time, I told him to order the fries from here as well, and he ordered fries for the both of us. When we finished placing our orders, we drove up to the cashier, and Dominic paid for the food. The cashier handed us our food and two spoons and straws for our frosty.

After driving off, Dominic disagreed, "He was flirting with you. I know Matthew and his antics. He even texted me the day after and apologized for disrespecting our relationship."

"Our emotionally detached marriage," I corrected, being that we weren't actually in a relationship with each other.

He shrugged, "You know what I meant."

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