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Dominic replayed the video gained from a nearby street camera, but I didn't know what he was hoping to find. The video, which we gained from the Circle after bringing our questions to them and pressuring them for more information, showed a safety guard with pine cones blocking the road. Because the safety guard had on a hat and kept his head down, we couldn't see his face. The guard stopped both cars and instructed Dominic's father's driver to park the car next to my dad's car, and once the cars were well aligned, the shot was fired from somewhere that the camera didn't pick up. All that could be seen was blood splashing on the windows of the car, and as soon as that happened, the safety guard pulled out a gun and shot both drivers. When the safety guard tucked away the gun, his tattoo got picked up on the camera. The same exact hand was what we had seen in the photo provided to us by the Circle. According to them, they had already turned over all, except the video that we got after we requested it, information they had for the case.

"What are you looking for?" I asked while placing my hand on his shoulder.

He sighed a heavy breath and gently shrugged his shoulders while meeting my eyes. He then scrounged his lips to the side and stared at the floor, a motion he always made when he was disappointed in himself. I had seen that look tons of times when things weren't going his way and he felt that the mishaps were his fault.

"Babe," I said softly while cupping his face. He slowly looked up at me, the look of disappointment still in his eyes. "The video can only show so much, Dom. You're not gonna find what isn't there. We'll have to try our best to remember whose hand had that tattoo, and that's our best lead. It's all we have, but that's not any of our faults, okay?"

He slowly nodded, and I pecked his lips before ruffling his hair.

We had already scoped out the crime scene to see if we could find any more clues, but none were found there either. The tattoo was literally the only clue we had to work with.

It had been a week since the Singapore trip, but instead of feeling relaxed from the nice vacation we had, Dominic was ten times more stressed. Besides our family's case, he had been stressing about his three companies. He was constantly busy with work, and when he wasn't, he was occupied by our family's case.

I got off the sofa that we were sharing in the living room and went to the kitchen for some ice cream. I took it out the freezer along with two spoons from the drawers and brought them to the living room. I then closed Dominic's MacBook Pro and shoved the ice cream and spoons in his hands. I placed his laptop on a nearby table and sat beside him. I then popped the lid of the ice cream container and dipped my spoon into the half empty container. Dominic, however was busy staring out into space.

I brought my spoon to his mouth and gently nudged his bottom lip with it, and his attention was diverted to me.

"Ah!" I instructed, telling him to open his mouth. He smiled faintly and complied, and I fed him my spoonful of ice cream. He then dipped his spoon in the bowl and brought it to my lips, returning the favor. After taking the spoonful in my mouth and letting the cool content melt on my tongue, I questioned, "Is there anything I can do to relieve the stress? Frankly, I hate seeing you like this. You barely even speak." Dominic shrugged while scrounging his lips to the side, his body language showing that he was thinking about what I could do- if I could do anything in the first place. "Do you wanna exercise? Train? Have sex? Vent? Yell? Destroy something? Watch tv or a movie? Leave the house? Get my help with your businesses? Dance? Sing? Paint? Go to the moon and come back? Go to church. Visit our families' graves? Go hunting? Go bowling? Play board games or video games? Run in a marathon? Go cycling? Take a walk? I'm literally down for anything you want."

He chuckled at my long list and smiled, "I'd like for you to take the test."

I frowned, "What test?"

With a smile still on his face, he answered, "The pregnancy test. You haven't taken one as yet." I had completely forgotten about the last time we had sex. We had both been so occupied that it completely slipped my mind. "If the test is positive, we'll have something to celebrate about, and if it isn't, then I'll just take you right here."

I blushed a bit and nodded. "We can go buy some tests after we finish eating the ice cream,"  I suggested as I grabbed the TV remote.

"Bet," he smiled while taking my other hand in his. He then placed a loving kiss to my knuckles before gently caressing them.

A/N: This is one of the bonus chapters that I promised.

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