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The cool air smacked across my chest once the door opened. I looked up the block while Dominic looked down the block, and to my luck, I spotted the guy turning the corner as he continued to run away.

"Dom!" I yelled while slapping his arm. He turned to my direction and I pointed to where the guy ran. He then looked at my feet, which were in heels. "Go, I'll catch up."

He gave a simple nod, and I ran back inside the building to run through the front door. I quickly ran to the limousine Dominic and I came in and opened the door, ignoring the countless questions being thrown my way and cameras flashing. "Drive straight ahead," I instructed as I yanked my heels off. I slipped into my flats, and when I saw the guy running in front the limo, I jumped out of the car and tackled the person. Timely, Dominic caught up and yanked the guy off the floor. We were three blocks away from the event, so we weren't very worried about the public finding out about the scenery taking place.

Dominic punched the guy in the face, effectively knocking him out, and then threw the guy in the car. He then took off the guy's suit and tore his shirt. We used the cloth to tie the guy's feet and hands together before getting in the car and instructing the driver to bring us home.

An hour later

I threw the bucket of water onto the guy, and he gasped while jumping out of his sleep. He then tried to struggle out of the hold we had him in, but he realized that he was tied to the chair by ropes that wouldn't budge.

"What the fuck?!" the guy yelled as he noticed the guns in Dominic's and my hand. Dominic and I were sitting side-by-side in front of the guy we captured and were ready to interrogate him.

"Who are you?" I asked. The guy remained silent, so I raised my gun and aimed it at his temple.

Dominic smirked, "My wife always has a perfect aim, and not to mention, a very short temper and tolerance level."

The guy sighed, "I'm Romaine Castellan."

"Where'd you get that cute tattoo from?" I asked.

Romaine looked down at his hand that was tied to the arm of the chair and asked, "What...this old thing? Pshh...it's just a regular...tattoo."

"Really?" I replied sarcastically before shooting a bottle that was lying of the table beside him. Romaine jumped in shock and fear ran through his eyes. Training with my family was actually paying off. My father and Dominic's would always make it a duty to train their family in defense in case of a situation where it would be needed, and I was grateful for it.

With a bit of panic in his voice, Romaine answered, "It's a club I'm in."

"What club?" Dominic questioned.

"Et Reprobi," Romaine answered. "It's Latin for The Rejects. We're a secret yet large group."

Dominic frowned, "What's the purpose of this group?"

Romaine informed, "We're simply hitmen. That's our only occupation and purpose in life. We receive orders and follow through with them. I made it into the society just last week."

That explained why he was so easy to be captured.

"Who puts in the orders?" Dominic questioned.

Romaine answered, "Anyone that can afford an individual's charge fee, which ranges based on how experienced and good we are."

"Do you know who we are or why we've captured you?" Dominic asked, and Romaine sighed while nodding.

Romaine then went on to explain, "I was hired to kill the both of you. There was a drug that I placed in the drinks I offered you. I was supposed to wait for you two to drink it and get a bit woozy before injecting you both with-" I picked up the two needles that Dominic and I took from Romaine while he was knocked out and raised them in the air. "Those."

"Who sent the hit?" I asked while placing the needles down.

"We don't get told the names, we just get paid. All transactions go through our boss, but no one knows his name. We simply refer to him as Boss or Sir." Romaine informed.

I then frowned, "How do you stay in touch with him?"

"He meets us only three times: when we're admitted in the society, when he has a task for us, and when we finish the task. The last two aren't always in person, I've heard. He sometimes calls us to tell us about the task and then wires the money to our accounts. Other times, he mails the task info and money or have someone else drop off both," Romaine told us.

Dominic shrugged, "Well, you're gonna have to get us in contact with him."

"What?! I'm a rookie! Besides, he'll have someone come for me if he finds out that I betrayed the society. There are rules, and loyalty is-" Romaine got out before Dominic cut him off.

"Well, then it'll be your duty not to get caught, now wouldn't it?" Dominic smirked, causing a slight smile to appear on my face.

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