part 2

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over the past few days kelly and stella had been moving all of stella's stuff into their apartment.
*at the firehouse*
stella told brett and foster and they were so happy for her and kelly.
*20 minutes later*
there was a huge structure fire and lots of truck, squad and engines companies were called.
they had got everyone out of the floors below the fore but the top floors were still full of civilians and firefighters with no way down. including kelly, matt and stella.
they had got all of the civilians into one room, there were about 20 of them and they were all terrified but keeping calm thanks to stella. the three were trying with all they had to find a way out of there.
after 15 minutes of radio silence boden, who was commanding the whole call, spoke through the radio "there is a window on the delta side of the building that you can send a rope through to cling down. we'll be waiting for you at the bottom" kelly replied "copy that chief"
"right everybody come with us stay low but be fast" casey announced to the civilians. they all followed and safely made it to the window where stella and kelly were already feeding a rope down to boden, cruz and herrmann. they got the rope secured and told the people to get into a line roughly heaviest to lightest. they sent the people down one by one to safety.
once all of the civilians were down stella, matt and kelly argued about who should go first. eventually stella said "the longer we argue the more dangerous it's gonna get. i'm lightest i've got to go last this floor isn't going to hold much longer with both of you guys on it as well so casey get your ass down there" as casey started to descend the floor started to give way so kelly shouted down "casey hurry up the floor's giving out" the rope was only strong enough for one person at a time.
casey climbed as fast as he could but when he reached the floor and started to tell the others. there was a bang and the floor exploded.
all of house 51 stood in shock as they backed away and boden called all the engine companies to open up the water canons.
as soon as the fire was out casey and cruz went running back in to find them.
calling their names and listening for their PASS devices.
after 10 minutes of searching kelly calls out. he was severely burned because he'd taken off his turn out coat to cover stella's face after she'd given her oxygen to a civilian earlier. kelly was resuscitating her and was getting extremely tired and was in a lot of pain. casey called for cruz then took over compressions for severide who then immediately passed out. casey got a pulse for both of them so him and cruz dragged them out to the paramedics who rushed them to med. all of 51 followed the ambo and when they got there dr choi and april had severide and halstead and manning had kidd.

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