part 13

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"do you guys remember that call a few weeks ago? i was there. my sister was in the building and this firefighter brought her out of the building. but, she was too slow, my sister died at the hospital because this firefighter was too slow. and now she is going to pay for it. the man picked stella up and tied stella's arms with rope to s bar on the ceiling leaving her to dangle and he started to hurt her, punch her, kick her stella cried out and kelly got angry and shouted down the laptop again "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" he hit his hands in the table and tears started to fall down his face boden put his hands on his shoulders and kelly moved away but threw boden's hands off. then the man went out of view for a second but came back with something in his hand. a taser. brett gasped and the man put the taser on stella's stomach and zapped her. multiple times. there were now tears in herrmann's eyes, boden's eyes and brett's, everyone was angry and kelly went over to the kitchen and swiped all of the stuff off the side. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"

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