part 8

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stella and kelly had just got back from a long, hard shift and as soon as they walked in kelly grabbed two beers and they flopped onto the couch. "i don't wanna go to molly's tonight" stella said "i just wanna stay here. with you" she continued as she snuggled up to him. "i can agree with that" kelly said while putting his arm around her.
stella put the tv on because the cubs were playing.
they had been watching the game for a while and kelly turned to stella. "marry me" completely out of the blue. stella looked at him shocked "what?" she said with a laugh. "i don't have a ring because i hadn't planned this at all but" he paused "okay here goes. we've been dating for a year now and it's been the best year of my life hands down. and then after the fire you stayed with me even when you didn't need to. i love you so so much and i- i want to spend the rest of my life with you so. stella kidd, will you-" "yes yes yes yes yes" before kelly could even finish his sentence stella accepted his proposal with tears in her eyes and she leaned over and kissed him. kelly had one of the biggest smiles on his face as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door "where are we going?" stella asked, confused. "we, are going out to buy a ring, obviously"

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