part 33

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*a few hours later at med*
stella and kelly we're lying in stella's hospital bed holding each other and crying when foster and brett walked in. "hey guys what's up?" brett asked concerned and neither of them said anything they just lay there. foster looked over at brett and they turned around and walked back out to give them some privacy even though they have no idea what's going on.
sylvie and emily walked back into the waiting room and boden asked "how is she?" casey was there too as he didn't need anything done at med because he has no injuries. "we don't know" sylvie said "when we walked in they were both crying and hugging" emily continued "they didn't say anything so we walked out because we thought they'd wanna be alone" she added. "what do you think happened?" casey asked everyone said they didn't know until herrmann looked up from his hands and said "the baby"

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