part 27

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kelly and stella went down to the door to greet megan. stella and megan hugged and then stella introduced them "megan this is my husband kelly, kelly this is my sister megan" she said "nice to meet you" megan said to kelly "you too" kelly replied. kelly grabbed her bags and took them to stella's old room from when they used to live together just as friends. you can stay here as long as you want" kelly told her. "thank you so much this is so kind" megan said "we're family aren't we?" kelly said with a smile "yeh i guess we are" megan said as they heard stella call from the kitchen "do either of you want any coffee?" kelly and megan walked into the kitchen and both said yes please. "is everything okay megan?" stella asked to make sure she had everything she needed "yeh thank you guys so much it's perfect" megan replied with a very grateful grin on her face.
*the next morning*
kelly and stella woke up to their alarm and got up quickly as they had shift that day. they showered and got ready then went out into the kitchen where they saw megan at the cooker. "hey megan. you're up early" megan turned around with a disappointed look on her face "well i knew you guys had shift so i was trying to make you breakfast before you had to leave and i was cooking some eggs and i burned them and then i put some toast on and i even burned that. please don't be mad" stella and kelly stood looking at their very messy kitchen then looked over at each other and burst into laughter. "what's so funny?" megan asked looking very confused. stella stopped laughing and said to kelly "clearly cooking doesn't run in the family" "huh?" megan asked "i'm just as bad as you" stella explained "worse maybe" kelly added earning a slap on the back of the head "luckily i have a husband who is excellent at cooking" she said through her teeth. they all laughed and tidied the kitchen then kelly started to make a real breakfast for all three of them.

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