part 24

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when they got home kelly made some breakfast for the both of them while stella got in the shower. "how are you feeling?" kelly asked as stella walked into the kitchen "i'm good. i don't know what happened, what i was thinking, it was weird, i was just so sure that otis had found someone" stella said still not sure what happened earlier that morning "hey it's fine" kelly said as he handed stella her food and they sat on the couch "how about tonight instead of going to molly's we stay in and watch the game" kelly continued. "about that..." stella said "this is the biggest game of the season and i know you were desperately looking for tickets for us" "yeh..." kelly said confused "wait here" stella said putting her food on the table and going into their bedroom while kelly also put his food down and waited on the couch for stella to come back into the room. when she did she sat on the couch again. "what?" kelly asked "i can't watch the game with you here tonight" stella said with a sad look "oh. why?" kelly said getting more and more confused. "because... i got front row tickets for us" stella said all excited as she pulled two tickets out her back pocket "wh- how- i- i tried so hard to get us tickets. how did you-" kelly said with the biggest smile on his face "i bought them because we haven't had the best time recently and i thought we would enjoy this" stella said "you thought right. you thought very right" kelly said as he picked her up and hugged her tight. stella kissed kelly's head and then buried her face in his neck.

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