part 19

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stella had another nightmare this time it was really bad. she woke up screaming which obviously woke kelly up so he had to ask "stella what the hell is going on with you? why won't you talk to me? and don't you dare tell me it was just another bad dream" stella sighed. "i don't know what to tell you then kelly" she got up and went and made some coffee in the kitchen. kelly put a t-shirt on then went into the kitchen himself. "stella come on. what is happening? what the hell aren't you not telling me?" kelly asked starting to raise his voice a bit. "nothing kelly! why can't you just trust me?" "stella of course i trust you. i know what you've been through, what we've been through together so why can't you just talk to me?" they were practically shouting at each other now. "but you don't kelly you don't know what happened that day when i was kidnapped." stella snapped. kelly was confused. "what happened that i don't know? i saw that video. it was the worst thing i've ever watched. but what happened that i don't know about? come on stella just tell-"

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