part 4

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kelly started to wake up and immediately asked about stella, dr rhodes told him that she was still sedated and probably will be for a while. rhodes then went out and told the guys they were so happy to hear the good news but they knew he wasn't out of the woods yet let alone stella. they went into see kelly for a moment but dr choi said that he needed to get some rest so they left after a few minutes. once everyone left april was still hanging some fluids and kelly asked if there was any way that he could see kidd. april replied "neither of you are allowed out of your beds because you have a long way to go with the burns on your arms and she's not even awake yet" kelly looked upset so april took a breath in and said "buuuut i guess i could see what i could do about putting you two in a room together" "thank you april" kelly said with a smile on his face "i'll go speak to goodwin"
*two hours later*
goodwin had said yes to them being in the same room so april and ethan moved them.
kelly had fallen asleep and stella was still sedated so the guys all went home.
the next morning stella coughed as she woke up and kelly looked over very excited. he called for dr rhodes and he came in to help stella. "don't try to talk it'll be a while before you can without it hurting" rhodes said as she kept coughing
"hey stella" kelly said as dr choi left to call 51
*at the house*
boden stood in the common room and told everyone the good news. they all cheered and casey said "we'll all go over to the hospital at the end of shift"
*back at med*
stella turned her head and looked so surprised but so happy she tried to say hi but kelly said "no no remember don't talk" stella nodded and smiled "i'm so glad you're okay. i love you" kelly said and stella mouthed back 'i love you too'

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