part 5

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*a week later*
stella was able to talk and had been discharged from med but still hadn't left because she hasn't left kelly's side the whole time he was having his burn treatments.
he had burns all up both of his arms and on his neck. the treatments were so painful for him but he knew there was no other choice so he pushed through and having stella there made it a thousand times easier.
stella had been cleared for active duty but hasn't gone back to work yet because she was with kelly. the doctors have no idea if kelly will aver be able to be a firefighter again because there's no way of knowing until he's fully recovered. some the guys from 51 came to the treatments that they could to show their supposed and make sure that they know they're not alone.
cruz had been standing in as lieutenant on the now 3 person squad and 81 had a new candidate to make up the numbers but the positions would definitely be there when kelly gets out of the hospital.
*a month later*
dr choi came in and said "kelly i have some good news" then paused. stella looked at kelly, both smiling, and waited for choi to say something but he didn't so stella did "what ethan?" and they all laughed "this is your last treatment kelly!" kelly looked confused, so did stella "what?" they said surprised at the same time "this is your last treatment" they laughed and smiled and stella kissed kelly's forehead and they smiled dr choi was standing in the doorway and kelly looked over and said "we'll get on with it then" and they laughed and the doctors stated to give kelly his last treatment. it was the least painful one yet but he wasn't thinking about that at all anyway he was thinking about how he could finally get out of that damn hospital bed.

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