part 20

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kelly stood there confused.
"you happy now?" stella asked "i'm going back to bed" she added.
*the next morning*
stella woke up and went to make some breakfast. kelly had slept on the couch that night but stella didn't wake him up when she was making her breakfast.
she finished her breakfast then left a note on the counter saying 'gone to brett's i'll be back later'
when kelly woke up he saw the note on the counter and sighed. he stayed in all day and was watching the game when stella got home. "hey" he said as she walked in. "hi" stella replied. "how's... brett?" kelly asked just trying to make conversation "she's good" stella went over towards the bedroom. "why didn't you just tell me?" kelly asked stella stopped and turned around "i dunno kelly maybe because i didn't want my husband knowing that i'd been... ra-" stella stopped "rape-" she tried to continue but her tears stopped her and she fell to her knees. kelly quickly got up and ran over to her and held her as she cried.
about 5 minutes later stella started to stop crying "i just- i didn't want you to think- i dunno. it's my fault. i'm sorry kelly, i'm really sorry" stella said tentatively "hey hey hey it's not your fault and don't ever say that again. i love you so much i just wished you'd have told me sooner" kelly responded "i'm sorry i told choi not to tell you. he did a pregnancy test and checked everything out when you were sleeping and it was all negative. i hated lying to you but i just couldn't bring myself to relive that moment i'm really sorry i love you too" stella said when she eventually stopped crying. "hey stop apologising" kelly said as they both smiled. "can we make a promise? that we'll never argue like that again?" stella asked kelly sincerely. "of course. for the record shouting at you was one of the hardest things i've done. let's go to bed it's getting late" kelly said. as they walked into the bedroom kelly added "i also don't like sleeping on the couch" they both laughed and stella shoved him onto the bed "well you're definitely not gonna be on the couch tonight but i'm not sure about you getting any sleep" she smirked and then they rolled over and kissed

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