authors note

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hey guys:) or anyone that's reading this which is probably no one because i haven't updated this story since march lolllll oops sorry .
i was gonna make up some lame excuse or say it was school but honestly i'm not gonna lie to you i deleted wattpad because couldn't really be bothered but anywayssss i'm back !!
knowing me i'll post like one part then get bored again so i'm sorry about that .
maybe i'll finish this story off and start a new one ? idk what couple but maybe u could put something in the comment if ur reading this . whether u want me to carry on w this or start new .
before i post anything i have to read my story again because , again , i'm ngl i have completely forgotten what's going on .
so basically i'm gonna try and update this story asap and then maybe start a new one maybe carry on i'll j see what happens and what u guys want ( if there is any of u guys lol ) .
oh yeh side note : my fan account on instagram got deleted which is one of the reasons i gave up because i didn't have any motivation after that .
if i do post anything i'll also try to make it longer than all my others because i am v aware that they literally take like 2 minutes to read and maybe u like that idk ?
but i'm rambling now so i'll stop because this is literally becoming longer than any other of my parts but if u read this far thanks and ily💗 maybe see you soon:)

EDIT : the fact that i posted all this so long ago means that anyone who's read it has probably also forgotten what's going on but idkkkk u guys tell me what u want me to do in the comments lol

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