part 10

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over the next few months stella and kelly gad been planning the wedding. it's going to be in october and it's just gonna be a few friends and family. brett and foster are stella's bride's maids and casey was severide's best man and capp, tony and cruz are his groom's men. there weren't many big fires or calls over the past months so everyone was just getting excited about the wedding.
*a few weeks later*
the wedding is next week and kelly and stella were both getting very excited. neither of them were religious or superstitious so they weren't bothered with not seeing each other before the wedding so they spent the night before the wedding together.
the next morning they woke up with huge smiles on their faces but before they could say anything stella's phone started blowing up. it was brett and foster telling her to get to brett's house asap to get ready. she kissed kelly goodbye and said "see you in a bit future husband" kelly smiled and said "bye future wife" with a wink. stella walked out the door and got in the car to go to brett's house. when she got there the door was unlocked so she walked in and called "i'm here" but there was no response. emily's phone was on the counter and sylvie's was on the couch but there was no sign of them. stella looked everywhere in the house and opened brett's bedroom door last when she walked in she saw them.

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