part 16

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*a few weeks later*
stella was pretty much all healed up, she still had a few bruises but she was cleared for duty so kelly drove them to 51 like any other normal morning. everyone was super excited to see them both. the shift was very slow, only a couple fires, neither of them very big. after shift everyone was gonna go back to molly's so kidd and severide went back to their place to get changed. when the got to molly's it all looked different, all of the tables were gone and everyone was sitting in two aisles.
herrmann was standing at the front and said "you two have been through so much these last few months and seeing as you missed your own wedding due to... some complications we thought that we could recreate it for you. we know it's not what you had planned but we have been planning this for a while since we knew you guys wouldn't do it yourselves" everyone laughed "so your family is all here, firehouse family and relatives and we thought that we could have your wedding now" "wh- you guys! thank you so much!" stella said while kelly was nodding. "come on then" brett said as she dragged stella away into he kitchen to get ready and casey dragged severide away.
"oh my god my dress is here as well?" stella asked surprised "of course!" brett said "we weren't gonna let you get married without it" foster added. she put the dress on and braided her hair. the girls then took her out the back and to the front door. kelly was waiting with boden who was going to marry them at the end of the room. brett opened the door and her and foster walked stella down the aisle. kelly saw her and immediately started to cry, she looked amazing.
after they got married they moved all the chairs to make a dance floor and everyone stayed at molly's until the early hours of the next morning.

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