part 26

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*later that night*
"hey who was that girl by the way?" kelly said as they got out of the car. "oh, umm, no one" stella said as they walked in the door and kelly closed it behind them. when he heard her say it he stopped and raised his eyebrows. stella turned around. "what?" stella asked knowing what he was about to say "stella come on. tell me. we promised we'd never do this again" kelly pleaded. stella sighed "okay okay i'll tell you but you have to promise not to get mad and just let me tell you don't interrupt me please" stella said "i promise" kelly replied as stella held his hand and led him over to the couch.
stella told kelly all about how her parents were never really together and that she was an accident as both her parents slept around with lots of people all the time. "the girl came up to me and asked if i was pete's daughter so i told her yes and she said she was too" stella continued to tell kelly about how this girl was addicted to drugs just like stella was a long time ago and that it was because of their father. stella and megan had different mothers but pete was their father. "after she said to pete that she wanted nothing to do with him he kept going back to her asking for money and a second chance. she's had enough but it wouldn't stop so that's when she got addicted" stella said "are you done?" kelly asked and stella got worried about what he was gonna say "not quite. she has no where to stay so i told her she could stay with us for a bit while she finds a place in chicago away from pete" stella said desperately trying to find other things to say to delay kelly's reply "but please don't be mad she's my sister and i want to help her but i get it if you don't want her here i guess i could tell her no" stella finished "hey hey stella no it's fine!" kelly said with a smile on his face "she can stay as long as she needs" kelly pulled stella into a tight hug when her phone buzzed so she looked at it "well, good job you said yes" she said while reading the message "why?" kelly asked "she's here"

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