part 28

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*a few days later*
megan had been living with stella and kelly for a while now and she'd got herself a job and she'd met some new friends at molly's. life was great for all three of them. on friday night they all went out to molly's. stella wasn't on shift so they ordered rounds after rounds after rounds and laughed and laughed all night. stella and megan were very drunk by the time they left. kelly was more sober than them but still not enough to walk in a straight line so they ordered a cab and made it home when they walked in the door stella ran to the bedroom immediately. stella and megan looked at each other confused "i'll go see what that was about" kelly said. "yeh, i'll see you tomorrow" megan said laughing as she walked a very long route to her bedroom.
kelly walked into their bedroom and called for stella "i'm in here" she said from the bathroom. kelly walked in and saw her leaning over the toilet. "get out i don't want you to see me like this" she said not really knowing what she was saying. "come on stella" kelly said as he went over and held her hair back while she threw up again. when stella stopped throwing up kelly went back into the kitchen to grab some tablets for stella. he walked back to the bathroom and handed them to her with a glass of water then he helped her up and got her ready for bed. once stella was in bed kelly got in himself and stella rolled over and hugged him tight. kelly put his arm around her and kissed her forehead then they both fell asleep instantly.

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