part 22

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stella and kelly walked towards the firehouse very happy. nothing had happened for a while and everything was normal. at least they thought it was.
the shift was another slow one and it was stella's turn to cook for the firehouse. she made chicken parm as always and just as the guys started to get their food the bells went off "truck 81, ambo 61, squad 3, engine 51, battalion 25, structure fire" it said throughout the firehouse "finally a proper fire" cruz said as they got on their trucks. when they got there it was all hands on deck. there was at least 3 other houses there and so the acting commander of that fire handed it off to boden as he knew he was the best. "right, 81 work from the top floor down to 16, squad start at 15 to the ground. the other battalion cheif said that everyone thinks there's no one else in the building but we've gotta check while it's still safe." everyone nodded and they ran into the building. they all ran up the stairs until they got to 15 when squad peeled off and started their sweep. 81 made it to the top floor and they started their sweep. brett and foster were helping people outside. there were no serious injuries just people struggling to breathe no one had even had to go to med yet so everything was looking fine. the fire was also contained so the firefighters finished their sweeps quickly and came running back out. as they ran out casey went to boden and said "all clear cheif there's no one inside" boden then gave herrmann the nod and the engine companies ran in with the hoses.
"hey guys..." kidd said looking at everyone from 51 "where's that victim we brought out?"

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