part 6

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kelly finally got discharged and stella took him straight to the firehouse even though he said no at first but stella finally managed to convince him. when they got to the house they got out of the car and kelly went straight to the trunk to grab his jacket even though it was really hot. "what are you doing?" stella asked as kelly was pulling the sleeves over his arms and zipping up his jacket over his neck. "hey hey hey whats that for?" stella said in a light tone "my burns. the guys. they don't need to- i don't want them to-" kelly stuttered "i don't want them seeing me like this" he mumbled "kelly, you are the best firefighter in this house. the burns on your arms and your neck. that's a sign of your incredible bravery, it was a result of you saving my life. the guys in that firehouse know you, they love you and they're not gonna look at those burns and see weakness, they're gonna look at them as a sign of strength and bravery and joy. they wouldn't dare look at you any differently. you. are. the best. firefighter. in. that. house."
"you're wrong" kelly said as he started to take the jacket off. "huh?" stella asked confused. "you're wrong. you are the best firefighter in that house" he said as he pulled his jacket of his second arm stella laughed. "okay?" stella asked "okay" kelly grabbed her hand and they walked towards the house.
they walked onto the app floor and capp saw them and stopped then called "guys you gotta come see this" so loud that everyone came running worried. they all stopped and then ran in for hugs. brett and foster ran straight over to stella and they were all really excited. when everyone calmed down boden walked in and gave them both a hug "it's so nice to have you guys back. but before you do anything. kelly. i have a surprise for you" "what is it chief?" "you have been awarded a medal. the medal of valor to be specific" boden said with a huge grin on his face "wh- chief. i h- i have no idea what to say. this i- this is amazing. thank you" kelly said looking at stella both surprised and happy. "well, don't thank me" boden said "thank him" he continued as he pointed at casey. "you did this?" kelly asked "hell yeh i suggested you. you, we" matt said looking at stella as well "saved 13 lives that day not including mine or kidd's. you made sure i went down first which ended up putting you in hospital for two months. i haven't seen many firefighters do what you did that night. don't get me wrong, taking of your turn out coat, stupid idea" everyone laughed "but if you hadn't done it we would have lost one of our own" everyone looked towards stella "you earned this award sev, not a doubt in my mind"

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