part 7

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stella and kelly walked back into their apartment after the ceremony hand in hand. "you know, that medal looks good on you" stella said with a smirk "oh does it now?" kelly said as he kissed her "oh yeh it does" stella said as they carried on kissing into the bedroom.
they lay on their bed, stella with her head on kelly's chest, he was stroking her hair and they were chatting about everything that had been happening over that last couple months. stella started to stroke kelly's arm and he flinched away. "hey what are you doing babe?" stella asked "my burns you don't need to act like you don't care. they're a sign of weakness. it's embarrassing" stella put the sheet around her and sat up. "kelly severide stop i've told you a thousand times and i'll tell you a thousand more if i need to. these burns are there because you saved my life. there is nothing more brave or strong than that." kelly shrugged "yeh but-" "hey, shush there is nothing wrong with your arms. absolutely nothing. plus, i mean, i think they're kinda hot" stella smiled "ha. funny. was that supposed to be a joke? because they're burns?" "well you laughed didn't you?" they both laughed and stella rolled on top of kelly and they carried on kissing.

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