part 12

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exactly an hour after the man said brett and foster opened the laptop. they had got everyone around as he asked and they filled them all in with what happened with stella. kelly was terrified, none of them were on shift that day and they were all ready for the wedding, including kelly. casey has his hand on severide's shoulder to try and comfort him a bit. but he was spiralling.
in the laptop all they could see was an empty warehouse, it looked like a videocall because it seemed live.
a few seconds later the man that took stella appeared in front of the screen and spoke "i have your friend here, stella is her name? she did a very bad thing, oh and don't even bother calling the cops. you have no idea where i am. so now she's going to pay for it" everyone looked confused and kelly put his head in his hands. the man dragged a chair into view of the camera. stella was sitting on the chair in a ripped t-shirt and underwear. bruises all over her body and blood everywhere. some of the guys watching looked away and the man said "it's nice to see you're all here. i know it's a big day, i hear there was supposed to be a wedding today" kelly started to walk away from the laptop but the man said "no no no don't go anywhere we haven't got to the best part yet. i haven't told you why i took stella." "so why the hell did you do it? and where the hell did you take her?" kelly shouted into the laptop. "uh uh that's not how this works. but i will answer your first question, why i took her"

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