part 39

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kelly ran straight over to stella, wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up in the air twirling her around. stella had a huge smile on her face knowing that she was back where she belonged. once kelly put her down he told her "i'm so glad you're back. i've missed you so much" and she replied with a simple kiss on his lips. kelly smiled after missing that warm feeling of her lips against his that he was used to every day. "ahhh stop it" herrmann said referring to their intimate moment "get over here" he added and stella walked over and gave everyone a big hug. "it's good to have you back kidd" casey said "good to see you lieutenant" stella responded with a smile. once she had said hi to everyone and caught up mostly with brett and foster she went to the chiefs office to find out if she even had a job still after her abrupt departure. boden told her that he'd put her on a month furlow in the spirit that he knew she was coming back and of course he was more than happy to welcome her back.
*after shift*
when stella and kelly got home they talked about going out to celebrate stella coming home but in the end they decided to just stay at home on the couch in the comfort of each other's arms.
they watched a couple movies and stella had fallen asleep about half way through the second so when it was done kelly lifted her up and took her to their bed for a nap while he made them some lunch.
stella woke up and walked into the kitchen to the smell of a delicious lunch and her man stood behind the stove stirring some food. she creeped up behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist and lay her head on his shoulder. kelly was a bit surprised but he then proceeded to give her a gentle kiss on the head and then said "i'm so glad you're back" and she replied with "me too"
it was a perfect morning.

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