part 37

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*three weeks later*
still no one had heard from stella and ever shift people were getting more and more used to her not being around the house as much as it hurt every single one of them. kelly however was not giving up, not in a million years. he was sitting on his bed in his office when he thought to himself that maybe it was finally time for him to text stella just to check in. 'hey stella, i know you want time and space but i need to know that you're okay. please come back. i can't loose you too.' he sent the message with hesitation and the alarm went off calling squad to a scene.
when they got back kelly switched his phone on and it opened on the message that he'd sent to stella. 'READ' kelly's heart ached that she still wasn't speaking to him but he knew that eventually she would come around and that he would have to respect and accept it and wait. but to his surprise suddenly three grey dots appeared at the bottom of his screen. she was typing. kelly still in his tracks on his way to grab some
coffee. 'hey kelly. i'm good, i've been in new york staying with a friend and i'm safe. i love you.' knowing stella was safe was all kelly needed but seeing that she'd said i love you made kelly smile bigger than he realised. "severide what's got you so happy?" casey said as kelly finally poured himself his coffee in the common room. "it's stella she texted me." kelly replied "well what did she say?" herrmann responded curious as to how his friend was doing. "she said she's safe, in new york with a friend" severide told everyone. "that's great. at least we know she's safe. hopefully she'll be back soon" cruz said and just as he finished a voice said "maybe some time soon" from the doorway. it was stella.

sorry for not updating this very much. i've been super busy and i try to write as often as i can but i can't promise anything. feel free to comment suggestions of what you want to happen next and i hope you enjoy :)

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