part 25

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kelly and stella got ready for the game and then left. when they got there they got to their seats and kelly couldn't wipe the huge smile from his face. stella leaned her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her as the game started. during the game kelly felt that stella had started to shiver at the cold so he took off his hoodie and gave it to stella for her to put it on so she did and then turned to him and kissed his cheek then said "thank you baby" kelly kept his eye on the game but smirked trying to hide how happy he was. with the best wife ever at the biggest game of the season in the front row.
at the end of the game they got up and walked hand in hand out to the parking lot. when they got towards kelly's car they were laughing and smiling. until they looked over at the car, there was someone leaning on it, a woman, late teens maybe. they approached the car and kelly said "can i help you?" the girl replied "umm yeh actually i was looking for stella kidd?" kelly looked over at stella and they both had very confused looks on their faces. "kelly why don't you start the car this will only take a second" stella said as she looked at this girl and saw something familiar "are you sure?" kelly asked worried about stella "yeh i'll be fine" stella reassured him.

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