part 9

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on their next shift kelly and stella walked towards the house hand in hand "so are we gonna tell them?" stella asked because they hadn't actually talked about it yet. kelly replied "maybe let's not say anything, wait until someone sees, if anyone will see" "brett will see" stella said laughing. she put her left hand in her pocket to try and hide the ring so they went to the locker room to get ready. brett and foster were in the locker room when stella walked in so she knew that no one knowing wasn't going to last long. stella opened her locker and put her bag down and sylvie turned to emily and pointed and stella, who wasn't looking, then held up her hand so emily looked over at stella and screeched. it made stella jump and she closed her locker and turned around confused "is that an ENGAGEMENT RING!!???" brett asked with a huge smile on her face. "shushhhh" stella said as foster and brett started jumping up and down and grabbing her hand to look at the ring. "he proposed last night and i- i said yes!" stella told them.
kelly was in his office and stella walked in and closed the door behind her "what's up" kelly asked "brett and foster saw" kelly looked mad "i'm so sorry i didn't mean for them to see it i just couldn't exactly do everything with one hand" "hey hey hey it's fine don't worry, i was thinking we should go tell everyone now anyway" kelly said "wait. really?" stella asked, surprised. "yeh, really. let's go, right now, come on"
so they walked into the common room and everyone was there. stella had her hand behind her back and kelly said "we have an announcement to make" and barely before he could finish his sentence all st the same time the whole house said "you're engaged" stella laughed and said "how did you guys know?" everyone turned to brett "sorry! i can't keep secrets" everyone laughed and then went over to stella and kelly to congratulate them and see the ring. everyone was really happy for them.

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