part 36

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stella stopped in her tracks and thought to herself 'what am i doing?' everything went silent for a moment when something snapped her out of it. a voice. "that'll be $85.48 for a one way ticket to new york" a woman behind the counter at the station said "thanks" stella replies while handing over the money and taking her train ticket. 'what am i doing?' she thought again only this time the voice in her head was louder. she checked her phone and there was endless notifications, calls and texts from everyone at 51 worried about where she was. she felt bad so decided to text boden i'm safe i'll be back soon i just need some time. then she switched her phone off and looked at the timetables to find her train.
meanwhile at 51 squad was on a call when boden got the message. he called everyone into the briefing room once squad was back and read the message to them. he then said "we don't know where she is but clearly she wants some time to herself so that's what we're going to give her. as hard as that may sound that's what we have to do" everyone nodded and a tear rolled down kelly's cheek, he was hurt that stella didn't text him but he could also understand that it was because she didn't want him going after her. so he wouldn't. not yet anyway. 

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