part 31

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the next morning they did exactly as they said. they got to work and went straight to boden's office together. "hey guys what can i do for you?" the chief said as they walked in "we have some news" kelly said "what is it?" boden asked.
"i'm pregnant" stella said nervous about what the response would be. "oh my god you guys! get over here" boden said as he hugged stella and shook kelly's hand. "does anyone else know yet?" boden asked "umm we came straight in here but i guess we'll tell everyone else now" kelly replied "great! perfect timing it's brief time!" boden replied pushing them both out the door "oh. okay." stella said as they walked towards the briefing room.
as they walked into the briefing room everyone was sitting as normal and stella and kelly walked to the back and stood next to each other. boden did his normal briefing then as everyone was about to stand up he said "wait there's one last thing" everyone looked confused "severide, kidd, get over here" he said as they nervously walked over "there's gonna be a new addition to the 51 family" boden added "in pregnant!" stella said. everyone stood up and cheered "congratulations!" herrmann said as he walked over and hugged them both then everyone went over and there was a big group hug with kelly and stella in the middle.

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