part 29

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stella and kelly woke up in each other's arms and heard noises from the kitchen. "it's so loud" stella said rubbing her head still holding on to kelly. as she opened her eyes kelly jumped out of bed and opened the blinds. stella moaned about how bright it was then they laughed and kelly jumped back onto the bed with stella and smiled "how do you have so much energy?" stella asked with her head in his chest. "because i didn't have as much to drink as you did last night" kelly laughed and stella made a silly angry face. then they heard a crash from the kitchen "umm what was that?" stella asked "no idea, let's go check" they both got up and walked out into the kitchen where they saw megan just finishing clearing everything up "sorry did i wake you up?" megan asked kelly said no as stella said yes and they looked at each other and laughed. "well i made smoothies for everyone to help with the hangovers and well that" megan said painting at stella who was half asleep again at the counter. kelly laughed and woke up stella then they all drank their smoothies and megan said she was going out for breakfast with some friends so stella and kelly jumped onto the couch to watch a movie.
half way through through the movie stella got up and ran to the bathroom where she threw up into the toilet. kelly paused the movie and hurried to follow her. when he got to the bathroom the door was locked. "hey come on stella unlock the door" kelly said while knocking "stella are you okay?" he said a little louder knocking a little harder "STELLA?" he called beginning to get worried "hey i'm coming in get out of the way of the door if you can" kelly said before kicking the door in "STELLA!" kelly cried as he saw her lying on the floor passed out. kelly called 911 and there was an ambo there in a few minutes "she was very drunk last night but didn't pass out til this morning" he told the paramedics as they walked in.
the paramedics treated stella then got her into the ambulance and kelly climbed in the back with her while calling foster and brett and everyone from the firehouse. when they arrived and the hospital kelly saw maggie "maggie it's stella" he said with a tear falling down his face "okay severide she's gonna be okay. halstead manning trauma 3 now" maggie called and nat and will ran in.
after what felt like hours of waiting nat finally came into the waiting room where most of the firehouse were. "stella's fine. she should be awake in about half an hour so you can go see her then". "kelly please can i talk to you alone?" nat asked "yeh course what's up?" he said as they walked into a quiet room. "i have lots of good news." nat said "what is it? kelly asked getting very confused" "stella's pregnant!"

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