Ch 1

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I leant myself against the brickwork of the garrison lighting the cigarette that was currently dangling between my lips

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I leant myself against the brickwork of the garrison lighting the cigarette that was currently dangling between my lips. Every time I moved my position the thin fabric of my dress caught on the rough service causing tiny holes to rip. I was sure my soon to be step mother would scold me to no end the minute I walked through the door. 'A lady should not return home dress torn and knees scraped smelling of whisky and poor choices. Josephine Eliza Jennings have I taught you nothing!' I can't help but roll my eyes at the thought of it. If I had my say that women would have been kicked out months ago, but Edward was bewitched. I believed it was because of her never do seem to choose women for their minds these days.

"You know you can smoke inside yeah?" Finn asked leaning on the patch of wall beside me. He plucked the smoke from my lips taking a long drag. "I believe Pol's already here she would love to talk your ear off." A smirk tickled his lips as he began to take in my outfit. I was currently dressed in what can only be described as a dress manufactured from a nightmare. The neckline practically went up to my chin the fabric hanging over my body like a paper bag that added at least ten more pounds to my body thanks to all the ruffles and the sleeves that were currently bunched around my elbows kept sliding down to my wrists. I was dressed for the convent.

"Say a fucking word Finn and I'll cut out your tongue. I look like cotton candy. Bloody hell I'm drowning in the damn thing." I poked at his chest as he bit his lip trying to avoid letting out his laughter. "Ugh I hate you."

"You look like the dolls your uncles girlfriends used to buy you to win you over..." Finn leaned down to kiss my cheek. "Cute as a button though." He whispered his breath warm on my neck. I swiftly punched him in the shoulder ignoring the chills that danced down my spine. "The fuck Jo who taught you how to punch like that."

"John," I grinned. "Now come on you're buying me a drink for comparing me to a fucking doll." I laced our fingers together pulling him into the busy bar. After pushing him in front of me to manoeuvre through the bar we made it to the Shelbys private room. The whole family was there laughing and drinking along with sister Fran who was practically drooling over Tommy as he talked about the races. Fran has always had a not so secret crush on the second eldest Shelby, but it never went past shameless flirting at the one after hours bar hookup she still declaired the best sex of her life.

"The fuck you wearing?" Arthur spit out his drink soaking John in a concoction of whisky and saliva. "Cathrine hold you down and force you into it? It's bloody hideous," he sneered turning to Polly to see what reaction his aunt would have. Polly simply stared at me shaking her head before standing up and walking around me examining the horrendous frock. Without a word the older women walked out of the room and returned with a rather full glass of red wine. Before any of us could stop her she poured it down the front of my dress and smiled to herself.

"No saving that thing now. Not that there was before, but now you can just chuck it in the fire when you get home. Sit. Drink. Both of you." Finn and I did as told quickly joining in the conversations we had interrupted. I could feel Fran watching me her eyes always darting to the way Finn had his arm wrapped around my waist and innocently placed on my thigh. She was convinced the boy had been in love with me since birth. I was convinced she was dropped on the head one too many times.

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now