Ch 18

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Her feet were bare as she twirled herself around the lawn

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Her feet were bare as she twirled herself around the lawn. The glass of champagne in her hand splashed on her dress but she didn't seem to mind as her head stayed permanently pointed at the sky. She was drunk, but not the kind of drunk that has one fumbling and messing up their words. No Josephine Jennings was the kind of drunk that had her lost in a dream. The girl I had grown up with was no longer there instead stood a petite woman who occupied my every thought and even though I had known since the first day she spoke to me that I wanted her around me until the last day of life the older we got the more in cement those feelings seemed. Josephine Jennings was the stars in my sky. Josephine Jennings was the miracle I didn't realize I needed.

"Would it be inappropriate if I took you right here under this tree," her words were like syrup as she danced towards me abandoning her glass and letting her hands effortlessly undo my trousers. "Or would you like that sense of danger?" Her hand slipped into my underwear a smirk painting itself onto her innocent face. I couldn't control myself any longer. I needed her here. I needed her now.

I wasn't sure how long we have been out here or how many people had noticed our absence but somehow the night seemed brighter. Somehow the future seemed more clear.
"You're a little minx aren't you," I commented reaching for her as she adjusted her dress and fluffed her messy hair. "Come back here. I think we have time for another round."

"Do you not here Polly shouting our names?" Jo shook her head extending her hand to help me up. I groaned as I buttoned up my shirt trying to look as if I hadn't just spent the last hour shagging the bride's sister. "We will have more time for this later."

"Finn? Jo?" Polly ran out us when we came into her view her eyes filled with panic. "Get inside now."

"What's going on?" Jo questioned. "Is everything okay??"

"Of course my dear but we can't have you miss the bouquet toss now can we. Also just because you are technically adults now and Edward is locked up does not mean you can be gallivanting every damn minute." She slapped me upside the head making Jo giggle. I smiled as Jo danced over to where the group of women were waiting for their turn to fight over the small bouquet of roses. And as if by fate the flowers ended up right in Jo's arms her eyes growing wide as she looked at me nervously.

"I told you jo you're my future wife."

"Oh fuck you finn," she giggled as I scooped her up and carried her bridal style to our seats.

"Please do love. Please do."

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now