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I couldn't help but wonder if me asking Tommy to let Rodney go would have saved the boy's life

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I couldn't help but wonder if me asking Tommy to let Rodney go would have saved the boy's life. Yes he was a horrible person. Yes he pulled a gun on me, but I still felt guilt. I still felt the fear of the gun on my spine and the promise of taking him home bubbling inside me like one too many glasses of cheap whisky. Was my life really worth more than his? Surely not, but there was a rage the minute I heard the word worthless. It made me see red. It made me see Catherine and wonder where that wretched bitch was hiding. Maybe that's why I didn't even dare to try. I should have known better than to think a Shelby wedding could go without blood. My only hope for Rodney was that he did go home to god. I always knew cavalierly men to be the religious sort.

"Jo you've been awfully quiet since the wedding," Ada commented as she placed a pot of tea between us. "Has it something to do with that boy who my brothers dealt with?" I nodded sheepishly. "Oh sweet young Josephine he threatened you and tried to make you do things you did not wish to do, please do not burden yourself with guilt. He got what was coming to him." I nodded again feeling a lump growing in my throat. "These men we let surround us solve their problems with violence. It's best we just look the other way yeah?"

"Yeah." I agreed sipping my tea. Would this be what Finn turned into? I knew my whole life he strives to be a blinder. To follow in his brothers footsteps, but could me sweet and kindhearted Finn really become this kind of man. Cold and unfeeling. It seemed rather far fetched. "Ada?"

"I know what you're thinking. No Finn is not like that as much as he pretend he could be. Finn is different. Finn wasn't changed by the war like the rest of them okay Jo," Ada grabbed my hands. "It'll be okay. That's a promise."

Fran came home to help celebrate Tommy's newest foundation. We all could tell she was uncomfortable watching the man she once loved prance around with his new wife but she did it with such class no one but us knew the sting she was feeling. She has actually gone as far as to spend most of her evening with Grace. It was a sight none of us Jennings girls ever thought we would see.

"You look beautiful," Finn murmured as he nuzzled into my neck. "You always do. It amazes me how I got so lucky."

"Oh shush. You silly boy I'm just as lucky as you are," I turn around so we can look at each other. "Promise me something Finn."

"Anything Jo."

"Promise me you never become them. You can be a blinder yes but never let it consume you," the gunshot sounded before finn could reply. screams filled the ball room and everyone frantically tried to escape.

"Jo are you okay?" Finn questioned from our spot on the ground he had tackled me at the first sound of danger. I nodded looking around for my sisters and that's when I saw a site I never wanted to see. Tommy had his arms wrapped around graces lifeless body and Dot was screaming for an ambulance as she held onto Fran. I pushed myself away from Finn running towards the scene.

"No no Francis Jennings hold on you're going to be okay." I bellowed looking up at Dot for reassurance but my eldest sister didn't know what to say. "Tommy who did this!" I demanded but he looked just as helpless as I did.

"Jo it's okay. I promise." Fran mumbled her eyes struggling to stay open.

"We love you Franny. We need you." Dot mumbled. "Please don't go."

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now