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Josephine Shelby was a strong willed women who never knew when to quite

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Josephine Shelby was a strong willed women who never knew when to quite. Now to me that sounds like a lie. Josephine Jennings was that without a doubt, but Josephine Shelby no. No she was a coward. A women who couldn't even scream for help, because if we are being honest with ourselves she had already given up. I have already given up, but that doesn't mean I'll take my family down with me. No this war. This war ends here. Burn me at the stake. Call me a sacrifice for the greater good...even though this is not the greater good. It's the peaky fucking blinders. Yet I will do it for them. For the family I've made. The ones who didn't push me out when I made mistake after mistake. The ones who put me back together when I broke. This is to save Finn. To give him a life, because he deserves a life, and I'm okay without one. I'm okay with being the white flag, because I'm tired. So very very tired.

"What's a nice girl like you doing getting into bed with a lot like the Shelby's?" Luca hummed his hand rough against my jaw. "You look far to innocent to be apart of that world. So how about we make a deal? How about we spare you and kill tommy instead?"

"Fuck you!" I spat earning a slap across the face. My cheek burns from his touch and I can taste blood in my mouth as my head spins in every direction. I know there isn't three men infront of me but I can't focus on which one is really him. "Just kill me and get it over with."

"Now where's the fun in that?" His voice is softer now which makes him somehow more menacing. "Now tell me Josephine how does a nice girl like you get into bed with a lot like the Shelbys?"

"None of your fucking business!" I spit again this tim he hits me harder my vision getting worse from the blow. "They'll kill you."

"Is that's really what you think? You stupid girl. I'm going to kill them, one by one because they killed my family and no one gets away with that." Luca is crouched infront is me again his smile creeping higher and higher up his face. "The peaky blinders have never scared me sweetheart."

"And you've never scared them."

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now