Ch 8

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I didn't even think to put on shoes as I ran down the street towards the garrison

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I didn't even think to put on shoes as I ran down the street towards the garrison. The cold rain soaked me quickly but I had no time to care. I needed to find Finn first. I was going off of the hope that Uncle Edward had headed to Polly Greys house instead of trying to find the boy at the bar. I wasn't sure where to begin when I found Finn. Would I just flat out tell him the predicament I had foolishly got us into. Or would I kiss him like there was no tomorrow because for us according to my uncle there wasn't going to be. I stumbled into the bar out of breath frantically looking around for the youngest Shelby boy my heart sinking in my chest when I couldn't find him.

"Josephine are you alright?" Polly rushed to me as I collapsed in her arms cries rippling through my body. "Jo darling tell me what's troubling you?"

"I messed up Pol. I messed up and I don't know how to fix it." I choked. "He says he can't give me the life I deserve. It's bullshit Pol. Bullshit."

"Calm down child. Let's talk in private yeah? Harry get me the Irish whisky for the girl." Pol quickly pulled me into the private room and made me a drink. The older woman waited patiently as I tried to collect myself, but no matter how hard I tried to find the right words they came out as a croak. "Now tell me how you messed up?"

"We came up with the idea to call Catherine I was engaged to Finn so she would stop setting me up with those awful men and trying to marry me off," I sniffed whipping my eyes. "Edward loved Finn. Always was talking about how he was a good boy, but when we told him. He he flipped Pol stormed out claiming he was putting a stop to it," another cry ripped through me as Polly's lips pursed.

"That bitch is corrupting Edward. Fucking knew she would." She pulled me closer to her running her hand through my hair. "It's okay to be my girl okay. I promise. You'll be eighteen soon he won't have a say."

"I love him Pol. One day I hope it's not just a lie. I really love him."

"And he loves you. I'll talk to your uncle, but poor Finn is probably shaking in his shoes if Edward found him. I'll call round home you wait here."

I drowned my sorrows in whisky dreaming of being eighteen and making my own choices. It was so close yet so far. How was I supposed to go against my uncles wishes when he was the only parent I had ever known.

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