Ch 13

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"Edward I just need a moment of your time," I ran behind Jo's Uncle as he pretended to not notice my pleas

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"Edward I just need a moment of your time," I ran behind Jo's Uncle as he pretended to not notice my pleas. "I'm in love with her. You of all people should know what it's like to not be with the person you're supposed to be with! It's torture!" The older man stoped in his tracks turning to me finger pointing in my direction as he inched closer anger clearly consuming him.

"The only way you will ever get to be with my Josephine is if I'm no longer living. So put a bullet in me Shelby, because if you don't I'll make sure you never see that girl again," Edward growled stabbing his finger into my chest. "But remember she would never forgive you."

I pulled Josephine closer to me as we sat in the private room at the Garrison. Her messy blonde hair tickled my nose making me want to sneeze as she chuckled at whatever nonsense arthur was drunkenly mumbling. It had been over a month since her uncle's wedding and us hiding our relationship was becoming harder. We had, had too many close calls of Edward almost catching me sneaking out of her window or her sneaking back in.
"You're awfully quiet," Jo turned to me her eyes scanning over my face. "What's on your mind Finn."

"What's always on my mind," I gave her a weak smile as she raised her eyebrows. "You."

"And I trouble you?" She questioned.

"Not in the slightest love," I insisted leaning in to kiss her. She giggled against my lips as my brothers yelled for us to get a room the door to the room being flung open causing us to pull apart.

"Jo Edward is headed this way we need to get you out of here!" Beth grabbed her sisters arm running to the back entrance to make there escape. Jo's eyes lingered on me again the words I'm sorry muffled by the angry shouts of Edward Jennings.

"Where the fuck is my niece!" The man boomed clearly drunk. "Someone in here knows so speak up before I start shooting!"

"Eddy calm down she's not here," Tommy stood up. "Let's have a glass of whisky and catch up yeah?"

"Fuck you Shelby!" He spit in Tommy's face making my older brother grimace. "I know that delinquent brother of yours turned my sweet Josephine into a harlet!" He raised the gun and pointed it at me. "Where is she!?"

"I don't know!" I yelled. "Why don't you check the house you keep her prisoner in?" I regretted my outburst the moment he stepped closer to me putting the gun to my head. "I love her and she loves me." My voice trembled.

"And I told you I don't care."

"Edward what are you doing?" Josephine shrieked running towards us the older man turned quickly to see his niece panicking. Tommy had his gun pointed at him and Edward had his at me. A scream broke through the chaos of the bar as a gunshot rippled through the air. I didn't know which of us it came from but I did know that it felt like my life was flashing before my eyes and the only constant through it all bring Josephine.

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now