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When walking into the betting shop two days after my sisters wedding I felt as if I was walking into the unknown

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When walking into the betting shop two days after my sisters wedding I felt as if I was walking into the unknown. I was no longer Josephine Jennings the young girl Tommy was employing out of guilt. Instead I was Josephine Shelby Tommy's sister in law a woman he had in my opinion he had put too much faith in. There was something about new beginnings that gave me an adrenaline rush. The surge in energy I needed to push forward and move on from my past even though the things I was moving on from would always be there in a way. One does not lose as much as Finn and I have and simply lock it away in a box. No we learnt the hard way that solves nothing. That makes you run. I was no longer in the state that made me run. I had now chosen fight. I quickly discovered I was much more fond of this choice.

"Well well well would you look at you. The newest Shelby wife is the prettiest if I do say so myself," Lizzie pulled me into a tight hug. "It's wonderful to have you back Jo. Esme can't hold a decent conversation to save her life."

"Oi! I can to!" Esme argued waltzing over to reveal a growing baby bump. I had lost count on what number this was. It seemed like every time I turned they were expecting another baby. Finn and I liked to joke they were worse then rabbits.  "Welcome home Jo." I stifled a laugh as she glared daggers at Lizzie I thought by now the two would have became civil but it appeared not.

"So are the rumours true you're staying?" Lizzie asked as we made our way to our desks. I nodded, making the older women beam. "Thank god!"

"Josephine how are you fitting back in?" Tommy asked as we walked to the Garrison after work. "You catching on to everything okay?"

"It's like I never left," I laughed. "How have you been  Tom?"

"I survive Jo. You know me." Tommy squished out his cigarette stopping me before we walked into the bar. "Jo I don't want you and Finn at the family meeting tomorrow okay."

"Why?" I demanded.

"After your sister died I said I would never let another Jennings girl get hurt. This is me doing that. Trust me Jo please." I stared at Tommy for a while wanting to argue I was no longer a Jennings girl but I found no point in it. If he said to trust him I would.

"Of course I trust you Tom. When have you ever done something to me that would make me not?"

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