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~~~Five years later~~~

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Five years later

Life will take you by surprise every chance it gets. I once thought this was a bad thing. I once feared this, but now I welcome it, because without these surprises I wouldn't have gotten here. Here was worth it. Here is perfect.

"Alright John are you ready to surprise your mom?" I asked my two year old who still hadn't quite got his words figured out then. He flashed me a smile that mimicked the one Josephine always had and began to stumble up the stairs. The small bouquet of daisy's he was determined to deliver were squished by the time he made it to the top. I knew Jo wouldn't care though. She would just smile at the thought. How extraordinary of a women she was. Still bright after all we had been through. Still shinning after all we had lost.

"What are you up to!" She giggled scooping up our son and turning to me. There that smile was. "I'm guessing this was all you Mr Jennings?" She shook her head playfully before covering Johns face in kisses. The boys laughter filled the flat. It was infectious I couldn't help but laugh to.

"Twas all his Jo. I swear!" I put my hand over my heart and walked towards her letting my lips meet hers. Every-time we kissed it still felt like the first time. Innocent and perfect. Like the world somehow made sense again.

"What would I do without you Fin?" Jo placed down John and wrapped her arms around me. "What would my life be?"

"It would be far less complicated and you would be far more sane," I teased not wanting to let her go.

"That sounds like such a boring life she mused." And I couldn't agree more. It felt like yesterday I showed up at her and Ada's flat in Paris. I had a new ring in my pocket and a plan I wasn't sure would work. On that doorstep I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me again. To start over. To begin the life we deserved. No small heath. No peaky blinders. Just me and her, and here we were. No longer Shelbys. Instead we were Fin and Jo Jennings and we were happy. And that happiness was enough to create the most beautiful life.

The end

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now