Ch 20

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"I can feel that man's eyes on us," Michael commented twirling me around gracefully

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"I can feel that man's eyes on us," Michael commented twirling me around gracefully. "Tell me who he is. Tell me why I shouldn't shoot him right now."

"He's not important Michael. And it's Tommy's wedding." I hummed trying not to let Rodney know his gaze was making my skin crawl. The music stopped for a moment giving me enough time to pull Michael to the kitchen where Tommy had summoned all the young blinders. This was my time to escape. To let the fresh air cool my skin and refresh my lungs.

"I saw him," Ada leaned on the wall beside me handing me over a cigarette. "I know Finn did to. Tell me how are you so composed right now Josephine when that ass of a man is taunting you in front of men who could have him dead within seconds."

"It's a wedding I'm not about to cause a scene." I sigh as I take a long drag. "Tonight is not a night for fighting."

"You do know who you surround yourself with don't you," Ada shook her head running her hand gently over my cheek. "Jo these people love you and want you to be safe. If you don't feel safe..."

"Ada I'm okay. If that changes I'll let you know," I promised. "Now let's go inside and save Grace from Polly I have a feeling they aren't quite seeing eye to eye right now." I pulled Ada inside not waiting for any further arguments and made my way to where Grace and Polly were clearly having a very uncomfortable conversation. Polly's lips were stuck in a firm line as the blonde women spoke to her in hushed tones. The smirk on her lips a dead give away that whatever she was saying to Polly was something intended to get under her skin.

"It's a wedding should we not be celebrating," Grace raised her glass towards us as Ada got into earshot. "To the shelbys. I am so happy to be one of you." She kissed Polly's cheek before walking away from the group of us.

"I hate that bitch." Polly hissed. "When did my nephews get so awful at choosing women. Don't even get me started on Linda. She's god awful to," Pol slammed the rest of her drink before turning to me. "You're the only good thing any of those idiots have brought home."

"Excuse you," Ada shook her head.

"I meant the boys Ada calm down," Polly rolled her eyes. "I need another drink. Go find Finn before his brothers get him into trouble Jo. It's a Shelby wedding the betting will happen any minute if it hasn't already." I did as told making my way to the kitchen just as Thomas was yelling at the men about what would not be allowed today. No snow. No gambling. No slashing tires and especially no fighting. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. As much as some of them feared Tommy there was no way all of them would stay on good behaviour. They were blinders after all.

"You avoiding me?" A voice questioned causing me to stop in my tracks. Was he really such a fool. Or did he know that no one was meant to act out today. "Josephine you are supposed to speak when you're spoken to."

"I have nothing to say to you Rodney. So I do advise you leave me alone before someone catches on to this conversation and puts you in a situation you don't want to be in," I growl moving away from him. "Don't think I won't shoot you if you place even a single finger on me."

"Are you threatening me?" Rodney chuckled darkly.

"I would prefer to call it a warning, but if we really must label it a threat would also do, because you won't be warned again." I roll my eyes before walking away from him.

"He doesn't scare me."

"He should. We all should. Now get out of this town before you leave in a body bag."

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