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Every time I looked down at my hands they seemed to be shaking harder than before

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Every time I looked down at my hands they seemed to be shaking harder than before. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous. I had been over to the Shelby home for thousands of dinners, but for some reason tonight's dinner felt different. Tonight's dinner felt more important. I winced as Dot pulled the brush through my hair a mass of knots had formed when I ran errands with Beth. It had been windy and I had decided to leave my hat at home so it wouldn't blow away. I was now regretting that decision.

"Can you try not to rip the hairs out of my head thanks!" I groaned feeling my head being pulled backwards again. "Fuck are you mad at me or somthing."

"It's not my fault your hair is a mess. You can do it yourself if you wish," Dot shot back. I could tell she was trying to be gentler with me but it was failing miserably.

"Dorthy," I winced feeling the brush get stuck.

"I'm going to get Beth she's always been better at this hold on," my eldest sister ran out of the room and began to yell down the hallway. "Beth will finish. I'll press your dress anything else you need ready?"

"Are the flowers by the door Ada will be here soon," I turned to look at Dot who nodded. "Why is everyone so worried about this dinner going well?" I demand.

"We told Catherine it was a date so she might lay off the idea of finding you a caverly man. And before you start, I know that's not what it is but please for the love of all things holy go along with it Josephine. I don't need her shipping off my baby sister because she thinks you can't behave," Dot kissed the top of my head and sat down on the bed beside Beth. "We stick together."

"We stick together." I repeated. "Where's Fran?"

"She's in the kitchen with Catherine trying to keep her away from you. I should go to relieve her. Will you be staying with Finn tonight?" Dot paused in the doorway. "We can pull last nights scheme again if need be just call yeah?"

"I'm sure Polly will not want anyone driving. You know how the whisky travels around the table at these dinners," I laugh. "Edward wouldn't care if I stayed."

"She's not Edward though now is she."

Ada was outside my house at exactly 6:30 leaning against her new car and smoking cigarettes. Unfortunately it was Catherine who got to her first. The older women stormed out of the house and stomped towards Ada Shelby with a disapproving look in her eyes.

"It's very unladylike to smoke Ms Shelby." Catherine sneered. Ada rolled her eyes inhaling one last time before taking a step towards her and blowing the smoke in her face.

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