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I had no intention of being star crossed lovers with Finn Shelby

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I had no intention of being star crossed lovers with Finn Shelby. There was no master plan to run off together and get married in secret. My love for that boy was intended to be whispered about in the streets. Screamed about in rooftops and yelled drunkenly across the bar at one another. We were not Romeo and Juliet so there would be no faking of deaths and lovers showing up to soon and actually killing themselves instead of being together for the rest of their lives. We were a boy and a girl who met on the smog covered streets of Birmingham. A boy and a girl who knew too much death due to family involvement in 'buisness' ventures. Gun fire had not made me flinch since early childhood, and know the sound of that bullet echoed through my brain like a song I had overheard someone singing. I ran my thumb over Finn's hand as I watched his chest fall and rise in the hospital bed. The beeping of his monitors brought me no comfort as my mind traveled to the worst possible outcomes and my thoughts imagined his heart rate turning to a straight line. Maybe this was due to lack of sleep that my mind was playing these tricks, or maybe it was due to the bullet hole that was healing in the boy's chest.

"Josephine I've been sent to bring you home," Tommy leaned against the doorway his face expressionless as he waited for me to move, but I couldn't my legs were numb. "He's alive Jo. You heard what the doctors said." His voice softened as he walked towards me kneeling down so we were at eye level. "He's a fighter our Finn now come on don't need Fran calling to yell at me again because no one can convince you to come home."

"I don't want to go there," I argued.

"And why not?" Tommy questioned. "Your sisters are there do you not want to see them?"

"I do." I sighed nibbling at my bottom lip. "But what about?" Tommy put his finger to my lips shaking his head.

"Catherine's gone. Ran off the minute word got to her that Edward was locked up and wouldn't be getting out for a long time." Tommy laughed. "Awful women that one. Probably scared of the peakys as she should be."

"He's family," I mumbled. "Should I not feel bad for him?"

"He's not who he was Jo. Your sisters were happy to see him go. You're all grown now. You don't need him. You have us and one another," Tommy kissed my forehead. "Now please let's get you home." I nodded, letting the second eldest Shelby lead me to his car. I tried to not look over my shoulders to often as I exited the hospital. I didn't want to see Finn looking so broken any longer. Once I was home my sister's fussed over me every second. I was forced into the bath and then forced to drink tea and eat the strange sandwiches Polly sent over. I was distracted with Beths wedding plans apparently Jacob had proposed shortly after Edwards wedding asking only Dot's permission. He had explained that he did not care for Edwards opinions if could not see real love. I was excited for my sister, but my heart was still breaking for Finn. No matter how many times I was reassured he would be okay, I would not believe it until he was back in his three piece suite and towering over me.
Two weeks had passed since the shooting and Finns recovery was going smoothly. According to his nurses he would be sent home any day now. I had done my best to stop by the hospital everyday talking to Finn about everything and nothing when Pol didn't have me preoccupied with errands. Beths wedding planning was going smoothly and the girl could barely wait to she's the Jennings name. Edward had managed to make us all have a distaste for the name we have been proud to have all our lives. It is a shame how a bad women can brainwash a once good man.
"Pol can I go visit him yet, he's probably wondering where I am," I complained following the woman into the kitchen.

"Whose he?" A voice demanded causing me to stop in my tracks. Tears clouded my eyes as I came face to face with Finn. "He does know your boyfriends part of the peaky's doesn't he? I would hate to have to go scare him off." Finn laughed standing up slowly. "Oh doll why you crying?"

"You." I stammered.

"Me? Now how did I make you cry?" He leant down to place a kiss on my cheek. "Joey?"

"I love you a Finn Shelby." Tears fell like raindrops. "I bloody love you."

"And I love you. Now wipe those tears I need to make up for weeks of lost time." His kiss was more passionate than it had ever been before. It wasn't just sparks but fireworks as Polly yelled at us to take it easy because Finn was still healing but we weren't listening. We needed each other to badly in this moment. It was as if we were nothing thinking tomorrow guaranteed, because now we both knew it wasn't.

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