Ch 39

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"You looked at me differently now Ada," I sipped my whisky slowly watching as the dark liquid coated the thin glass cup

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"You looked at me differently now Ada," I sipped my whisky slowly watching as the dark liquid coated the thin glass cup. Not so long ago I was a child. Hellbent on making something of myself. Surely I had even if it wasn't exactly the something I wanted. "I feel as if I should apologize."

"And why is that Finn?" Ada's voice isn't as soft as it normally is. She's speaking to me like she speaks to Thomas. Short and brash. It's like tiny stabs in the gut. Even her eyes have grown dark as she stays focused on the razor in my cap.

"Because you wanted more for me..." I breathed my voice getting caught in my throat. "This was inevitable though wasn't it. Me joining the ranks. Me turning into them. Who else have I had to look up to?"

"You aren't them though Finn. You'll never be them so why is it you pretend!" Ada stood up and walked towards me her hands cupping my face. "Josephine didn't deserve this. I ought to think that would have been enough for to say no to Thomas and it appears it wasn't."

"Don't say things like that to me Ada. It's not fair!" I argue pushing her away from me.

"Fair?! You want to talk about fair? Bloody hell Finn maybe you are one of them. Completely and utterly oblivious to hurting the woman who love them. Don't come crying when she's gone. Because chances are I'll be the one moving away so she doesn't end up like Grace. Because even though Grace wasn't the best women out there she deserved better then what she got."

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now