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"She doesn't speak to me Polly what am I supposed to do?" I groaned sitting down across from my aunt

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"She doesn't speak to me Polly what am I supposed to do?" I groaned sitting down across from my aunt. "I've apologized a million times. Gotten down on my knees and begged for forgiveness. And nothing it's bloody radio silence. How is she going to be my wife if she won't talk to me?! I'm hurting to!"

"Enough!" Polly scolded. "I know you're hurting to but bloody hell Finn she's hurting more. Her fiancé cheats on her then she looses her baby that's a lot to process so either you build a bloody time machine and undo what you've done or be a man suck it up and give the girl the space she wants." Pollys words cut through me like a knife. Of course Josephine was hurting more, but we should be dealing with our grief together not apart.

"What if she leaves me?"

"If that girl leaves you, you deserve to be left Finn." Polly stood up and walked over to me placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I always hoped you would end up like your brothers, but look at you now a spitting image."

"Dorthy wants me to move to Paris," Jo spoke when I walked into our shared bedroom. "Says it will be good for me to get away. I can't even look at Beths baby without crying and you look at me as if you think I'm made of porcelain. Since when have I ever been so fragile Finn?" I took in her appearance. Her hair was mated and lazily tied in a bun. She hadn't changed out of her nightgown for the past week and her lips were cracked and bleeding. This wasn't Jo. Or maybe it was and she just used to be better at hiding it. "Maybe we should re think getting married. We are so young after all."

"I don't think you should go. Running away isn't going to make what happened disappear," I spoke.

"You foolish boy do you not think I know that."

"You said I was enough for you. So let me be enough!" I raised my voice causing the women to shoot up from her spot on the bed. Her hand cupped my face her jagged nails scratching the soft skin. "I need you Jo. I bloody need you."

"Do you. Because when I came home it sure looked like you needed some whore."

"When will you let that go!" She pulled her hand away and began to laugh. The laugh was dry and cold as paced the room.

"Whenever I fucking feel like it." She stared down at her hand and slid off the ring. "I don't know who you are anymore. And by the way you're looking at me you don't know who I am either so let's cut our losses let's leave before we hate each other more."

"I don't hate you."

"How lovely, but you see I hate you Finn with every ounce of energy I have left."

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now