Ch 21

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I can feel the gun against my spine as Rodney's foul breath tickles my nose making me want to vomit

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I can feel the gun against my spine as Rodney's foul breath tickles my nose making me want to vomit. He is such an undesirable specimen. The kind of man that believes he deserves everything when in reality he deserves nothing.
"To much of a coward to look my in the eye when you shoot me?" I mock.

"Let's not cause a scene Josephine just come outside with me I need a bit of fresh air," poison soaked words leave the boys lips as he pushes the barrel harder against my spine. I never thought I would die like this. I always assumed it be more dramatic. This was just pathetic. My body would be found in the bushes by some poor soul and when news got to Finn. Oh when that news got to Finn. I can't even imagine the state he would be in. "Maybe we could finish what we started on that date of ours."

"If I Don't are you going to kill me?" I keep my voice as steady as possible. I do not fear death. Death comes for all of us at some point, but this right here seems like it would be a pitiful end. "Rodney do you really think you are capable of this?"

"Do not tell me what I am capable of!" He barks shoving me to the ground. I feel the gravel rip through my tights the tiniest of people's causing cuts in my knees. "You are nothing but a gangbangers whore!" The gun was now placed on my forehead. The cold metal made me flinch as Rodney squatted in front of me. "It's such a shame  such a beautiful girl like you has become so worthless." I closed my eyes and waited for him to pull the trigger.

"I'm not worthless though." I counter. "I'm just some girl who told you no and you decided that wasn't fair of me. So don't do this Rodney. Don't be this guy. Please." It was quiet for a while before I heard the boy sobbing and decided to open my eyes. There he was gun lowered and looking defeated. I carefully took the gun away from him and backed away not wanting to startle him into noticing my escape.

"I just wanted to be loved," Rodney whaled. "Why did you not let me have that."

"Because I was not the right girl to do that. Let's get you home." I kept my voice calm careful to not be in a position where he could easily grab me and get the gun back.

"They're going to kill me, aren't they? They're going to cut my eyes out for this." Rodney looked up at me his eyes bloodshot. "I'm sorry. Please please protect me."

"The fucks going on here Jo?" It was John's voice that broke the silence first. Then Arthur came booming behind him gun already loaded and pointing at the boy cowering before us. "Did this fucking cavlery whimp try to threaten you?"

"He held a gun to my head." I admitted. "Called me a gangbangers whore and continued on to call me worthless," a darkness filled my eyes as I inched closer to Rodney. "No so tough now are you? Do you regret it? Do you regret pulling a gun on me do you regret claiming the blinders don't scare you because it's clear you've wet your pants."

"Jo please,"

"No." I snarled. "You did this to yourself."

"The fucks going on here?!" Tommy boomed when he found the three of us. "What part of no fighting at my wedding did you lot not understand." He eyes scanned me over. "Josephine did this boy do this to you." I nodded. "What else. John get Finn. Arthur make sure no one else comes back here." I explained the whole situation to Tommy and when I came to the end of it he had his gun pulled out on Rodney and had hot air steaming out of his ears. "You're a dead man, but from the fear in your eyes you already know that don't you." Rodney nodded.

"Jo what's going on?" Finn ran over.

"She will fill you in once you take her inside. I have this handled. And jo," Tommy turned to me. "You're Safe now. This family will always protect you."

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now