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~~~One day earlier~~~

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One day earlier

"You've gone mad havnt you?" I questioned Thomas as I paced the length of his office. "Have we all not lost enough in this game of yours? Or do you want us to loose more? Would that make you happy us dying one by one? What will you do when it's just you left Thomas? What will you do then?!" Finn was dragging me out of his brothers office as I flailed in his grasp. Maybe Tommy wasn't the only one loosing his mind. I felt as if mine was slipping to. At first it was slow, but now every day when I woke up I recognized less of myself. Josephine Jennings was dead. Buried deep in the ground with her parents, her uncle, her sister, and her baby. Who stared back at me now was a stranger with soulless eyes. A stranger who adapted to a world so many tried to protect her from, but failed to.

"You can't do that Jo!" Finn screeched his fist hitting the wall. "He's on the verge of snapping and I don't want you to be the reason he does. If he hurt you. If I lost you." Finn ran his hand over his face inhaling sharply. "Changretta is out there waiting to pick us off one by one and I'm not loosing my wife. Do you understand."

"I understand," I lost all my nerve when I noticed how torn up Finn was. How his eyes were glazed over and his hands were shaking. Finn Shelby wasn't who he was before either. He was also buried with me. Our graves marked lost to soon, and oh what a loss it was.

Six hours before

"What looks like a Shelby? Walks like a Shelby and is somewhere she shouldn't be?" The mans voice was like venom. His thick Italian accent sent shivers down my spine as I felt his hand wrap around my forearm. I needed to scream. To make some sort of noise that I was in danger, but as I went to open my mouth the world around me went dark the only thing I could make out clearly was the sound of gunshots through the air. Was this how it was for Fran right before she died?

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now