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When life gives you lemons you are supposed to make lemonade, but what happens when nothing can mask the bitter taste? What happens when everytime you stand up something else pushes you down

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When life gives you lemons you are supposed to make lemonade, but what happens when nothing can mask the bitter taste? What happens when everytime you stand up something else pushes you down. Sometimes we must learn our lessons the hard way. Sometimes we must break entirely in order to see where we are meant to be. This was a nightmare. The blood dripping down my legs made me feel as if I was in a horror film. I couldn't even hear my sisters voice as she yelled at her husband to watch their baby so she could get me to the doctor. It was all silent. My mind spinning as we drove to the hospital. Time had never gone this slowly before.

I made the doctor tell me I had lost the baby three times. The first time I wasn't sure I heard it right. The second time I needed it to sink in and the third was because I couldn't find the words to tell Finn. I was a mess as I laid in the hospital bed. I couldn't do anything other then stare out the tiny window as different shelbys came to check on me. Finn didn't budge from the armchair in the corner. He had cried himself to sleep blaming his close encounter with adultery. It was no ones fault, but neither Finn or I believed that. It felt as if we were being punished for something.

"Have either of you eaten?" Polly questioned her voice quite so she wouldn't wake the sleeping Finn. I shook my head no before turning back to the window. The weight of her sitting on the bed made me look back at her. I didn't want her seeing me like this. My eyes were bloodshot and my lips dried up. I looked deathly. The life from my eyes completely gone. I was no longer Josephine. No Josephine was lost. This was a broken mother whose arms felt empty. "I called Dorothy after I talked with Beth. Dot was going to get on the first train, but I told her I had this under control. we will get her here by the end of the week instead. Give her time to arrange time away from work."

"If it were a girl I was going to name her Frances." My voice cracked. "Take Finn home."

"Josephine." Pollys voice grew stern.

"I'm broken Pol. I want to be alone."

"You aren't broken." It was Finn's protest. "And I'm not leaving your side. Not now. Not ever."

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