Ch 10

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"Should we place bets on how soon they'll get divorced?" Fran questioned a sour look on her face as she moved her gaze to Tommy and Grace on the dance floor

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"Should we place bets on how soon they'll get divorced?" Fran questioned a sour look on her face as she moved her gaze to Tommy and Grace on the dance floor. "I should have known all men choose the toad over the princess. Bloody fairytales are full of shit."

"Frances that's enough," Dot warned. "You knew what you were getting into when you hooked up with Thomas. I'm sorry your heart had other ideas but tonight is not the night for such an outburst." Our eldest sister warned pouring more wine for each of us. "Tonight we celebrate. Tomorrow we mourn all that could have been understood?"

"Understood," Fran grumbled. Beth and I exchanged a look. We both knew we would find Fran hugging a toilet crying over Tommy later. The poor girl was in love with a man who would never love her back. No one deserves to go through that, but despite our best efforts Fran couldn't shake him. Something in his eyes kept pulling her back she always said. "I'm going to go find some lonely looking lad to dance with," Fran jumped up. "Maybe he will take me home if all goes well."

"If it makes you stop pouting then please," Dot gestured to the group of men who had been eyeing our table for the last while. We had all assumed them to be from Catherine's guest list as we recognized none of them, but knowing small heath it could have just bern party crashes. "I haven't seen Finn. Is he here?" Dot moved her attention to me her expression one of boredom. She had never liked big crowds. It would be no surprise if she left soon.

"I saw him before the ceremony and at dinner," I explained looking around the crowded hall. Where had that boy gotten off to. My heart sank at the idea that he would have left without even saying goodbye, but that wasn't Finn. Especially not on my birthday. "I think I'll go look outside. Will you be here when I get back."

"No little fish it's time I went home." Dot stood up with me lacing our arms together. "I want a full report tomorrow my sweet Josephine. Happy birthday." She kissed my forehead and disappeared into the night leaving me alone with Jon's wife Esme. She looked pissed off as she leant against the building a smoke dangling from her lips still unlit.

"Do you want a light?" I offered rummaging around my bag for some matches.

"No John says no smoking till baby. I'm just pretending thought it might do the trick. It didn't," she sighed looking me over. "You look prettier than the bride."

"I agree," Finns arms wrapped around my face. The fresh smell of a cigar fluttering around my nose as he pulled me close to him. "Now I do believe I promised you a dance didn't I you?"

"You promised me all of them Finn Shelby," I grinned turning so our chests were against us. My hand cupped his cheek so I could guide his lips to mine. Like a moth to a flame we found one another the world around us vanishing. He was perfect. He would always be perfect.

"I'll promise you the world Josephine. The whole bloody world if that's what makes you happy," I can tell by the slight slur he's been drinking quite a bit already, but it doesn't bother me. He has always been more honest after a cup or two of whisky. It's as if it gives him courage. A new voice. A new strength. "You will be a Shelby one day."

"Will I?"

"If that's what you want." He kisses me again. I want him. Desperately. Pathetically. Every single inch of him. I want to scream it so all of small heath can here. I Josephine Eliza Jennings am in love with Finn Shelby and I won't let anyone stop that love.

"I want you Finn."

"You promise I'm enough?"

"Yes you'll always be enough." I kissed him one more time my heart breaking in my chest. We had so many obstacles in our way. So many things that were daring us to break apart. It terrified me, but he was enough. I just feared I wasn't.

More hearts then mine - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now