Ch 16

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"Young love is such a beautiful thing don't you think?" It was Fran's voice that made me stop Finn from entering the kitchen

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"Young love is such a beautiful thing don't you think?" It was Fran's voice that made me stop Finn from entering the kitchen. "Do you remember when that was us Thomas. So naive and unaware of how unrealistic our future plans were," I looked at Finn who was scrunching his nose and scowling at the door. "You keep an eye on them for me yeah?"

"Where are you going that I would have to keep an eye on them Frances?" Tommy questioned. His voice was almost to low for us to hear as we stuck our ears to the thin door.

"I loved you once Thomas. A part of me still does and I can't go on living so close to you when I know your heart belongs to someone else. It's time I accept that," I can imagine her long fingers wrapping around his pale hands her smile soft and eyes telling as I let the words soak in. She has never let go of the boy who left her for the war. Never had I realized just how much Thomas Shelby had broke her heart. How had I been so blind. I squeeze Finns arm wondering if this to was our fate.


"No Thomas. Those damn eyes of yours will have me melt every time I see them. I have my tickets to Paris and a job lined up. I'll leave after Beths wedding. If you ever come to realize she is not the one Tommy there will always be a home waiting for you with me." I could hear her chocking back tears and I knew Finn and I should move away from the door but I couldn't will my feet to move. How could she not tell me she was leaving. How could she tell him before me. I was her sister. I needed her. Did she no longer need me?

"I love you Frances Jennings." Tommys voice was steady.

"I know. It's just not in the way I need you to." I heard her footsteps coming closer to us as Finn pulled me back so it appeared we were only just now coming out of his room. Frans eyes were red and face puffy as she forced a smile on her lips and greeted us good morning. Her dry lips kissed my forehead as she cupped my face in her hands. "My dear Jo this love you two share makes me believe in fairytales again. Thank you."

Tommy was still sitting at the kitchen table when we made our way in. His tea had been replaced with whisky and his fingers were lightly dancing over his cheek. The faint remnants of the pink lipstick Fran always wore was barley noticeable on his cheek as he sat there lost in thought. Finn and I both knew he would not ask her to stay nor would not follow her to Paris. He would be staying for Grace. That was who he loved now and as much as I hated him for that I couldn't, because if Fran could understand I had to try to as well. She was his first love, but sadly not his last.

"I would make quick of breakfast before Arthur and John come down to tease you about what you were up to last night," Tommy broke the silence. "I advise you keep it down next time and Finn," he pointed a finger at his younger brother before finishing off his whisky. "Do not dare break that girls heart. This family has damaged enough Jennings girls." Finn didn't say a word instead he kissed my cheek and pulled me closer to him so I was practically sitting on his lap.

"If she asks you to go to Paris will you go?" Finn questions his face unable to hide his fear that I might say yes.

"I plan to go nowhere unless I have you by my side Finn Shelby." I kiss him gently.

"Hey! People eat in here. Bad enough we had to hear ya fucking all night!" John yelled pulling us apart. I couldn't help but laugh at how red Finns cheeks got due his older brothers teasing. "I'm happy for ya but geeze could you be any louder?!"

"Most likely yes," I quipped.

"Josephine. Sweet little Josephine what has gotten into you?!" John faked shock.

"I have." Finn spoke up making the whole kitchen erupt in laughter. "Now buzz off John I want to have a peaceful breakfast with my future wife."

"Your future wife eh?" I cock my eyebrow. "You better ask me properly before you go around town calling me that Finn Shelby."

"Oh I intend to"

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