Chapter 16

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Raven's POV

I'm standing in the middle of a room surrounded by nothing.

There is literally nothing. It's all pitch black and I'm just standing there like the biggest idiot in the world.

While standing there I can see a very small circle of light. Looking around I decide to follow the light. It's not like I have anywhere else to go.

As I start walking torward the light it starts to get bigger. Believing that it's a way out of the darkness I start to run towards it.

When I reach the light it's not only gotten bigger, but a lot brighter too.

I slow from a run to a walk and cover my eyes. I put one hand into the luminous light and get sucked into it.

I am then trapped in the darkness all over again.

Seconds after being sucked into the light I start to hear a beeping sound not to far away from me.

Aside from the beeping I hear hushed voices as if they are trying to keep from waking someone.

"Do think she's gonna be okay?" I hear a deep voice with a slight accent ask. I think it's an Irish accent, but I don't know for sure.

"I think she will be fine. Who we need to worry about is-" a door opens and softly closes.

All of a sudden the second voice stops speaking and both men become quiet.

"I thought I told you both to leave." Says another stern voice. It sounds a lot like my father.

"And I thought I told you that we weren't going to leave." Says the second voice.

"Listen Lou maybe we should leave. She's been asleep for two days straight. She probably isn't gonna even wake up soon." Says the first voice. Whom I now assume is Niall.

"No." Says Louis in a tone as equally as stern as my father's.

"We were told to stay here and make sure she was okay. I'm not leaving until she opens her damn eyes and can prove to be that she is okay." Louis is practically shouting by the end of his little rant.

"Listen here you little shit you can either leave now or I can call security and they can make you leave." My dad spoke in a low lethal tone.

"You don't scare me." Says Louis.

Before anyone can reply the door swings open so fast it makes a swooshing sound.

"Look, you three you are acting like a bunch of children. Now you are disturbing the other patients. So I am kindly asking for you to either be quiet or leave." Says a feminine voice.

I hear a deep sigh and footsteps retreating out the door.

The door closes shut and someone takes a seat in a chair and lets out a deep sigh.

"I'm gonna go get some food. Call me if she makes any progress." Niall says before he rushes out the door to go and get food.

The silent is all consuming and before I know it the beeping sound begins to disappear and I am yet again pulled into a completely different place.

When I start to look around I see that I am on some type of cliff. It's dangerously high and the oceans water is pounding against the rock.

I hear a cracking sound behind me and turn around. I am met by the view of a forest.

I hear yet again another cracking sound and head in the direction I believe it is coming from.

As I reach the edge of the forest I feel a hand grip my shoulder and force me to turn around.

I stare at the person startled by their actions, but once I realize who it is tears pool in my eyes.

"Raven, what the hell are you doing here?" My brother, James, is looking down at me with utmost confusion.

Not believing my eyes I reach out and touch is face with the tips of my fingers. Before my finger tips can touch his cheek he pulls back.

A huge grin stretches across my face. It is him! It's my big brother!

I throw my arms around him and bury my face into his chest as I let the tears roll down my cheeks onto his shirt.

"Oh James, I've missed you so much." I sniffle.

He wraps his arms around me and lets out a small sigh.

"I miss you too kid." He whispers into my hair.

Pulling away from him I wipe the tears from my cheeks and look at him again.

He looks nothing like the boy laying in the hospital bed.

His hair is a lively brown color along with his brilliant skyblue eyes. He is still as tall as ever and very muscular.

"No offense sis, but what are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I, I don't know honestly." I look around my setting confused.

"What's the last thing that you remember?" He has a weary look on his face.

"I went back to the house to get a box that was left in my room and I somehow got locked in my room from the outside." I shake my head trying to recall any other memories, but I can't seem to think of any.

He gives me a look and I shrug my shoulders.

James runs his hands down his face and starts to pace from me to a nearby tree.

"You aren't supposed to be here. Something bad has happened that's the only reason you would be here." He stops pacing and turns to look at me.

"I know this is gonna sound super weird, but I need you to go back. You obviously have no memory of what happened, but you might when you wake up." He whispers.

"You. Want me to leave?" I ask hesitantly.

He nods his head and gives me a sad smile.

"But I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here with you." I look down at my hand that are intertwined in front of me. Saddened by his request.

"I understand that, but I've been stuck here for almost a year now just trying to find my way out. It's a miracle I found you." He gives me a sad smile yet again.

"But I miss you." My voice starts to crack again as tears well up in my eyes again. Gosh I'm a blubbering mess.

He takes a step forward and wraps his arms around me.

"You need to go back. I'll be back with you sooner than you think." He looks down at me with a promising smile on his face.

"You promise?" I sniffle as I stop crying. He nods his head and pulls me in for another hug before letting me go.

"What do I have to do to go back?" I ask.

He grabs my shoulders and turns me towards the edge of the cliff.

"You've gotta jump in Rav." He whispers in my ear.

I turn around and give him my best 'What the fuck' look, but I guess it doesn't work that well.

He tilts his head towards the water as if he's just waiting for me to jump in.

He gives me a slight push in the direction of the cliff. I take small cautious steps towards the edge. Once I reach the edge I make the mistake of looking down. The water looks like it's crashing against the rock a lot harder than it was five minutes ago.

Turning around I give me brother a small wave, which he returns, and turn back to face the open ocean.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and jump off of the edge.

As I'm falling I try to grab for something to hold onto, but I grab nothing except air.

My body hits the freezing water and within seconds I am completely submerged.


I know this chapter was crappy, but I wanted to post something. Even though it's super bad. Sorry.

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